Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).

by BucketShopBill 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I'm at the part of Pinker's book (Better Angels...., around page 700) where he speaks about self-control. We've only got so much of it to spread around even though it can be strengthened with exercise. Consider how much a Jehovah's Witness has to suck in. That takes a lot of effort.

    There's a volkswagen commercial right now where buddies speeding down the highway have trim bellies, but as soon as the car stops they sag. Funny. So a Witness off the leash, so to speak, is going to be tempted more than the average man to throw control to the wind. This can show up as an alcohol problem, overeating, or other impulsive activity. It has to be a closet addiction, however, in order to keep up appearances.

    That COBE is completely dysfunctional about food and weight gain. I understand the temptation to condemn. He lost the weight once and it would have been easy back then to sneer at those that did not show the same "self control" that he did. He's lost touch, however, and he has rejoined the ranks of the struggling. Ergo, he hates himself.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    What's the difference between BucketShopBill's COBE and a hippopotamus?

    Answer: about 40 pounds.

    How do you get them to be the same?




    Answer: Force feed the hippo.

  • sparrowdown

    There was a bro in my cong that was scarily similar to "fat bastard" from the Austin Powers movie.

  • BucketShopBill

    jnat, he was nasty when he lost his weight the first ten times, he hated being around fat people even though his entire family suffers from obesity. His harshness and brutal comments made many lowly people cry, I heard him tell others asking for advice "Why don't you get your jaw wired shut?" or "you need to have self control and exercise", he did not excercise one bit, all his weight loss was from weight loss drugs and once he quit, the weight came right back. He use to tell other Witnesses impressed with his success, "I walk ten miles a day", bullshit! That asshole has problems walking around the corner without getting scared he's having a heart-attack or claims his back is too bad to walk".

    How do I know his weight, he wanted wanted to learn how to excersise, he insisted I get on the scale at the gym. I said "if you do, I will." He climbed up on the scale, he weighed 340lbs, I hit 285lb, that's how I know. People are strange, first thing he wanted to do was bench press, he puts on three forty-five lb plates on each side of the bar and get's stuck. Maybe in High School when he played football or when he was in his twenties he could bench 315. The fact is I almost blew my back out trying to pull the dam bar off his chest because he was so out of touch with his body and what he was capable of doing. I think he quit the gym because his muscles were sore the next day and the pain was too much.

    His weight training lasted one week, I warned him not to buy a year's membership but he could not justify paying $65 a month when a year's membership costed $300.00. Gym owners know people don't like to pay $10 a day or $65 a month when it's so much cheaper to pay $300, why thats half price!

    We have a large number of JWs who claim they were exposed to the Ebsten-Barr Virus and that's why they have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, some blame their lack of energy on the Swine Flu Vaccination. We have lots of issues with our brothers and sisters, CFS, GAD, Thyroid, MS, Lupus, IBS, Chrone's Disease, use of opiods and benzos.

    DNCMS and others have attested to what I said, people claim you are robbing from Jehovah or Theocratic activities if you are taking care of your body. Have you heard brothers and sisters who work out and are really built get accused of self-idolatry? The Friends have enough problems, why kill something they enjoy and makes them healthy? I think people get jealous they don't have the will power to work out like other JWs and Ex JWs that had to work hard, endure lots of muscle pain, lactic acid build ups to get in shape.

    Ok, we had a Lifer Ministerial Servant because the CO accused him of the Adonis Complex. C.O. had no problem spending a few days each week playing golf on the brothers dime, yet he kept a brother who knew the Bible a Minsterial Servant and that label has stuck to this day, that's brother Adonis!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    I asked an obese fast-food loving elder/pioneer once: "What's worse? Smoking 1 or 2 cigarettes a week or consuming high-cholesterol fast-food almost daily?"

    (I was really taking a stab at him because he was on the JC that disfellowshipped a newly baptized publisher for smoking even though this elder couldn't stay away from all the pastry and burger establishments himself... the poor publisher was in his 40's and was really trying hard to quit smoking but simply couldn't... it happens)

    The elder didn't say a word for a few seconds (just a blank stare). Then, all he could think of to say was: "We'll talk about this later." Of course, he never approached me after that. In fact, he stayed away from me as much as possible which was great!

  • SuperBoy

    He probably hates himself and this is transference. In a way. But he should be more mindful of "hurtful comments".

  • cultBgone

    They want the co's to be healthy so none of their Precious Money is "wasted" on health care.

    They want the dubs unhealthy so they view paradise (coming soon to a banquet table near you) as their only hope for the future. Used to be, they'd mention Gluttony but I think they've taken it off the table.

  • Apognophos

    Ha, wow, that guy is quite a character, BSB. It's amazing that brothers with that kind of personality are allowed to maintain their positions. The story about his almost crushing himself with the barbell is great. I also appreciate that you actually had an answer to my smart-ass question about how you knew his weight.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Before I got married I loved to run. There were many small towns around where I live and they would put on fun runs every year. I LOOOOOVED doing them. I would do one a month so as to not miss too many days of field service. It was so much fun and it made me feel so good about myself. As soon as I got married I had to stop because it was upsetting the ones in the hall as my husband was the only elder and I had to set a good example.

    We lived in the country and pioneered. All we did was drive around aimlessley. We would all pile in our Honda Civic, we got up to six people in it. Being I was the thinnest I always had to sit in the back in the middle between the heavies. We would dive 8 to 10 hours and I would get out of the car maybe 4 or 5 times if I was Lucky fortunate, but we always stopped at some small town where there was a store and all the ones in the car who had no money to help with gas would go in and buy huge soda's, bags of chilps and candy bars. We had no AC in our car and the smell of that kind of food along with body ordors just made me sick. I would come home so wiped from the day that exercises was the last thing I wanted to do.

    Everyone in the hall was heavy. I was in my mid 20's and all the sisters my age were 30 to 40 over weight. I begged and begged to do door to door work and NO ONE WOULD DO IT. They all just wanted to drive around. One sister my age lived two blocks from her job and if her husband was in our car group we would have to drive 30 miles back into the town we lived in to pick her and drive her to work. No joking. She could not walk the two blocks.

    In the bigger city where I grew up there is a huge run, it draws over 60,000 people every year. I loved doing running it, but one of the elders totally flipped out and went to the CO who then did a part on the assembly about why no JW would ever run in that race. The CO said why would any of Jehovah's people want to spend time with the world when they could give their time to Jehovah. The elder who flipped out about that race, his wife is 100 pounds over weight. That same wife came up to me one day and told me you know you are going to be fat when you get older. It was totally out of the blue that she said that to me. I just looked at her like WHAT, where did that come from. It was because I was working for a job that required me to lift and move fast and she said the only reason I was thin was because of my job as soon as I lost the job I would get fat.

    I swear JW's are so hateful it's unreal.


  • LivingTheDream

    This is a very interesting thread. I love the responses to it so far because they are so spot on.

    I used to get grief all the time as a young man for "being too obsessed over my body" just because I used to work out. I made no bones about the fact that I wanted to look better, but I also had my health in mind too. Besides, I had an abusive father that I felt I had to protect myself from. So, for many reasons, I worked out daily as a teenager and my body just responded to it.

    As a result, my over weight elders would sometimes chide me about it. My potbellied dad snickered at me while I worked out in our garage. My chubby round mother accused me of taking steroids once I got big.

    My now ex-mother-in-law actually told me once that my working out was a waste of time because the new system of things would give everyone nice healthy bodies anyway, so we shouldn't waste our time doing it now. This from a bony woman who never was without a glass of wine in her hand (drinking her meals rather than eating them) but whose husband looked like Jabba the Hutt with gout, who had obviously eaten all the food she left on the table and then some.

    All of it was JW controlling bullshit and I used to push back on it, big time.

    When I finally went to Bethel to get away from all this madness, I found it was even worse there. This is my story about how that worked out for me at "God's House": If it walks like a duck, then you're a brief wearing fairy

    Brock Talon

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