Trademark office rejects Watchtower's application for "JW.Org" logo

by AndDontCallMeShirley 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    cultBgone: Someone recently noted that the org. itself seems to be using both kinds of logos. Drat, I can't find the post to give them the proper credit. Thought it was JuanViejo....

  • warehouse

    Just thought of something. Since the denial for trademark status was due to a lack of any use within commerce, all the JW.ORG things now make more sense. I've been seeing pins, bags, pens, (I'm waiting for a shirt, jesus, I would just wear it to LOL everyday at ppls reaction) stickers and so forth everywhere. I guess the plan is to take photos of the logo "in commerce" now, and make a new application for the slight variation with the dot before the ORG portion.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)

    President Max H. Larson
    Vice Presidents George M. Couch, Lonnie R. Schilling
    Secretary/Treasurer Gerald F. Simonis
    Directors Gerald D. Grizzle, David G. Sinclair, Robert M. Pevy


    Corporations of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    is a corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses, which is responsible for administrative matters, such as real estate, especially within the United States. This corporation is typically cited as the publisher of Jehovah's Witnesses publications, though other publishers are sometimes cited. The corporation's stated purposes are: "Charitable, benevolent, scientific, historical, literary and religious purposes; the moral and mental improvement of men and women, the dissemination of Bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and for religious missionary work."[8]

    Selected Personnel (as of April 1, 2012)

    President: Leon Weaver Jr.

    Secretary: Gerry F. Simonis


    Watchtower's new attorney on the case:

    Steven B. Simonis,
    Steward Johnston & Reens LLC,
    986 Bedford Street,Stamford, Connecticut,
    United States


    Is this another case of a Watchtower heavy-hitter getting his son a university education on Watchtower's (read: the rank-and-file's) dime????

  • cultBgone

    Hmmm, methinks you might be right....

  • stuckinarut2

    great observation ADCMS!

  • AlphaMan

    Secretary: Gerry F. Simonis

    Watchtower's new attorney on the case:

    Steven B. Simonis,
    Steward Johnston & Reens LLC,
    986 Bedford Street,Stamford, Connecticut, United States

    Is this another case of a Watchtower heavy-hitter getting his son a university education on Watchtower's (read: the rank-and-file's) dime????

    . are on fire today posting some really good stuff. No doubt another example of a Watchtower Corporation executive not only being a hyprocrite to the counsel the GB gives to the rank & file, but no doubt the cult ended up paying for his son's law degree to help defend the cult.

  • jwleaks
  • prologos

    ADCMS: --- Jen Weld University, window manufacturer. -- new/old light windows & washers.?

    perhaps wt wants to stop the trinket makers/sellers from using the new logo in ridiculing ways and without credit and payment.

    all uses, of a trademark, either in shape, colour or name has to bear the statement: example

    J.W.ORK (tm) is the registered trademark of wtbts INC of Pensylvania, whatever.

    you can read it on any legit name brand item sold in the US.

    A trade mark can be more valuable than the product. here it would be.

    wt lawyers would have a hayday stopping any knock-offs of nick-nacks and counter - literature.

  • Heartofaboy


    'nuff said.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    JW = Janitor's World

    I love it!

    I absolutely LOVE it!

    The best I could come up with for was jerk wad dot org. Janitor's World dot org is absolute perfection.

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