A peek in to future of transportation

by jgnat 20 Replies latest social current

  • jgnat

    Apog, car sharing has already taken off. Just one example:


    And networks already provide superior communication than central control. How does my google map know where the construction stops and ends?

  • jgnat

    The reason I get excited about this sort of futurism is that we will see the change in our lifetime, it will be disruptive, and we will hardly imagine how we did without it. Imagine a street scene where no-one in sight is hooked to their PDA? When did that change happen, and why does it look so normal now?

  • Apognophos

    How does my google map know where the construction stops and ends?

    I don't know!

    The reason I get excited about this sort of futurism is that we will see the change in our lifetime, it will be disruptive, and we will hardly imagine how we did without it.

    Change is scary. The time is right for someone to make a horror movie about an out of control car. Well, a new movie about that.

  • jgnat

    Apog, which is why I find the out-of-control driver led commercial so delightful. There will come a tipping point where the driverless is the accepted safer version. Hubby is still in dissonance mode over this glimpse into the future. I use this to my advantage. We were on an errand negotiating the usual percentage of idiots, and I asked him to imagine them replaced with driverless models? Heck yeah he was sold.

  • designs

    I have discovered the solution to pollution free travel- My new-used 15 speed all terrain bicycle....

    $40.00 at St. Vincent De Paul's Second Hand Store in town.

  • jgnat

    In a few weeks I will be cleared to ride my bike again. Lots of trails around here!

  • John_Mann

    I like this video:


    Now we are living a paradigm change just like these people.

    "Do you know there's rumors about horseless carriages?"

    "Horseless carriages? LOL! Tell me another joke!"

    "Yes we call them CARS for short."

    100 and something years later...

    "Do you know there's rumors about driverless cars?"

    "Driverless cars? LOL! Tell me another joke!"

    "Yes we call them ???? for short."

  • prologos

    Apognophos. The trouble with horse drawn carriages was out of control, stampeding horses.

    imagine someone hacking into the system and delivering you where you do not want to go. or staging a braekdown.

    The love affair with the car was the freedom, the feeling of CONTROL it gave people. do we really need these frivolous freedoms?

    How about a compromise, a car with auto pilot, like an expanded cruise control?

  • Apognophos

    The trouble with horse drawn carriages was out of control, stampeding horses.

    imagine someone hacking into the system and delivering you where you do not want to go. or staging a braekdown.

    Some people think that at least one person has already been killed by hacking his car, though it's a conspiracy theory. It's been demonstrated that even existing cars' computers can be hacked through a physical connection from within the car, and this device, once installed, can be remotely controlled by radio and issue commands to the gas and brakes. But I digress.

    Probably the greatest real benefit to driverless cars would have to be eliminating drunk driving, considering the lives that it takes every year.

  • John_Mann

    Yes and I know there's a mode you can drive by the old way but the autopilot running in background ready to correct any imprudent move.

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