Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?

by smiddy 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    You're all missing a point about Islam. Usama Bin Laden said he didn't need to attack Europe because the Muslims there don't practice birth control like the Europeans do. He said that in 50 years they would outnumber historical Europeans and those would become Muslim countries. Things will change drastically when that happens.

    I don't believe in the Quiverfull movement, but it's about countering Muslim population growth.

    If you don't think Muslims taking over a city/state/country is a threat, look at how they have destroyed Dearborn, MI.

    Back to the thread topic, I support Isreal and hope the fighting stops soon, especially with Hamas being a terrorist organization that built unknown numbers of tunnels into Israel so they could kidnap Israelis and attack Israel. Hamas is getting what it deserves. I don't think there will be another holocaust.


  • Gregor

    Have not read all the posts above.

    But to address the thread title I would say that the holocaust has never ended. The difference is that today the Jews are not going to the showers without a fight.The nation of Israel may well have the toughest defensive force on the planet.

    PS F... the UN.

  • Ruby456

    from the Guardian

    quoting a distinguished Israeli writer

    The more fundamental reason why Israel went in is not related to what Hamas or Israel has done, but to what Israel has left undone. The distinguished Israeli writer David Grossman, addressing himself to Israeli leaders, asks: “How could you have wasted the years since the last conflict without initiating dialogue, without even making the slightest gesture toward dialogue with Hamas, without attempting to change our explosive reality? Why, for these past few years, has Israel avoided judicious negotiations with the moderate and more conversable sectors of the Palestinian people … Why have you ignored, for 12 years, the Arab League initiative that could have enlisted moderate Arab states with the power to impose, perhaps, a compromise on Hamas?” If you want peace, prepare for war, says the Roman proverb. But here it is the opposite: if you want to avoid war, prepare for peace. The Netanyahu government is paying the price for having sedulously avoided real negotiations with the Palestinians through a long series of subterfuges and distractions culminating in the recent barren passage that, over many months, wore down even the ever- patient and optimistic John Kerry.

  • Viviane

    If you don't think Muslims taking over a city/state/country is a threat, look at how they have destroyed Dearborn, MI.

    How, specifically, have they destroyed Dearborn?

  • JWdaughter

    I don't know what you consider to be an "islamist" but most MUSLIMS are not out killing Jews, nor do Muslim as a rule hate Jews. Considering the numbers, if that was the goal, there would not be any Jews left in the world. That there are not very MANY Jews left in the world can be chalked up to people in Christian lands.

    There are 14 million Jews in the world and 1.6 billion Muslims. Even accounting for gross incompetence, that would be pretty do-able if that was the goal. It is not! Considering the Jews among my own family, I'm grateful for that personally.

  • JWdaughter


  • smiddy


    I hear what you are saying and I take your point , respectfully. Okay , muslims the world over living and making lives for themselves and their familys in various countrys dont really care about what happens in their homeland , and neither do the jewish people .? true or false ?

    I personally think that is false .

    But the facts are Hezbollah , Hammis , etc. have put themselves on record as to the destruction of the state of Israel .

    Has Israel ever made such a proclamation as to the destruction /elimination of the palestinian state ? I dont think so .


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    smiddy - I am sorry to say that I totally disagree with you and would suggest that you are too influenced by a very effective campaign to justify the completely disproprotionate use of force by Israel. I would strongly encourage you to study the history of Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel starting with the Balfour declaration and carrying on through the use of terrorism by Zionist groups such as Irgun and the Stern Gang agaisnt the Brits to get them to abandon Palestine, which at the time was a British protectorate and prior to the Balfour declaration was more than 90 percent Palestinian Arab, in a way that created the preconditions for the creation of the State of Israel. They made their bed and now they have to lay in it but they want to play the victim. They are far from victims. But you need to distingusih Isrtael and Zinoims from the Jewish people generally who historically were victims of terrible racism. The irony is that it is now the Arabs and the Muslims who are the biggest targets of racist hatred as demonstrated by some of the posts on this and other threads. I must say I am horrified by the level of knowledge of the issues demonstrated by posters on JWN on this and other threads and there seems to be a correlation between the level of lack of understanding and the vehemence of the opinion. Hamas gets support from the youth of Gaza because of the sense of futility they have inherited. I have been to Gaza - it is miserable - young people htere have no propsects of any future whatsoever. Fraz

  • Ruby456


    my hope is that Netanyahu will be tried for war crimes one day

    for smiddy - some history here and also

    Global public opinion has shifted decisively in favour of justice for the Palestinians. What’s needed is to turn that into unrelenting pressure for an end to support for occupation, an arms embargo and sanctions, from above and below. The horror of Gaza is a crime made in Washington and London, as well as Jerusalem.

  • smiddy

    I know the west , particulary the USA backs Israel , but I dont know who is supplying Hamas with hundreds of rockets they keep sending across the border into Israel ? The fact that their is so little destuction or loss of life in Israel is because of their sophisticated defence system , again supplied by the west.

    And the fact that their is so many deaths , injuries , amongst the palestinian population is because Hamas fires these rockets from densely populated civillian areas putting their own people at risk of death and injury .

    To set the record straight , I dont favour one side or the other in this conflict really , it is a real tragedy that I feel both sides have a lot to answer for.

    But who ? either side is going to answer to , is the 6 billion dollar question .

    In hindsight maybe I should have included the palestinians as being the victims of a new holocaust .


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