Something Big is Coming...

by notsurewheretogo 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    For some reason I too think it could have to do with partaking of emblems... I think it could be that they say Jesus instructions apply to all of gods people. But, I see them keeping the paradise and the earthly hope...

    I think the line on obeying no matter what or no matter if it seems safe is just to remind JWs how close to the end they are. My mom always taught me similar stuff as I was raised. She used to share experiences of people who obeyed even when it seemed crazy and were saved. Three Hebrews comes to mind. It could just be a way to reinforce that the GB calls all shots.

  • alfredjones100

    the problem of downsizing the door-to-door work is that the whole structure of the meetings is based around it. for what purpose would the meetings then serve? gone are the days of actually teaching whats in the bible. even just the hint of making witnessing voluntary, would see it stop virtually overnight.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Faithful servants of Jehovah have always been eager to submit to theocratic direction. (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) We may initially lack full understanding of the reasons for carrying out our assigned work in a particular way. Nevertheless, we are fully aware of the benefits of cooperating with Jehovah in any adjustments that he sees fit to make. "

    Like others have said I think there is a clear shift toward more public witnessing and the use of the website. Perhaps there would be some new major adjustment regarding door-to-door. The phrase "We may initially lack full understanding of the reasons for carrying out our assigned work in a particular way." is clealy hinting at adjustments in the preaching work.

    Maybe they will make door to door work the responsibility of the individual publishers and no longer a congregation organized activity. Publishers would be told that when going door-to-door they are not to give the impression that they are representing JWs. They would be told to introduce themselves as a christian sharing helpful information to their neighbors. This will help the congregations - and ultimately, Watchtower - to further distance itself from any liability or even the perception of liability in the event of any wrong actions on the part of rogue JWs.

    "What! No, no, no we did not send bro. Perv Pedophile to your door. Bro. Pedophile acted on his own volition as an individual. We are not responsible for any crimes committed by this individual in the course of his own personal activities conducted on his own volition and outside of the activities arranged and sponsored by the congregation."

    Perhaps this will be coupled with the congregations being told to shift focus to public Witnessing - trolley witnessing and street witnessing and informal witnessing - trying to use their normal everyday interactions with people at work, on public transportation, at the doctors office, etc as opportunities to give a witness. This is where the new tracts will come in handy. JWs may be told to never leave home without having some tracts that they can give to others in informal witnessing. The org. will probably also capitalize on modern technology by training JWs to use their smart phones to bring up the when informally witnessing to others.

    What I find disturbing about the quote above is the very matter of fact way in which the organization is being equated with Jehovah. "we are fully aware of the benefits of cooperating with Jehovah in any adjustments that he sees fit to make." This is a disturbing trend of late. I'm seeing more and more JWs speaking of the direction coming from the organization as coming from Jehovah himself. JWs are being programmed to equate the organization with Jehovah. This is a very dangerous trend as it essentially blinds JWs from listening to any criticism of the organization as they would consider you as criticizing Jehovah himself. They are not able to separate the two. If "Jehovah" tells JWs to harm their ex-JW relatives, will they obey?

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Maybe the major new light will show jw's that it's time to PARTY IN THE HOUSE, meaning the KH. You may not believe your eyes and ears, but remember that it's important to obey even if you don't see the reason for it.

    Your contributions will now cover KH expenses AND partyin' funds. Be sure to rehearse your bands, we got some gala gals and beebop boys tangled up in tangoes and twistin' the night away with WT shizzam doctrinal teachings.


    Dump that tip jar into the contribution box, no dippin' in for band expenses.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    yeah, I've been told by CO's and DO's over the last few months that there is a ''whopper'' coming down the pipe, they didn't say what time frame, but it would shake the ground to the average dub,lol

    I agree that 100 years of kingdom rule and little or nothing happening will of course cause a tide of doubt and the Governing Body has to implement some kind of curb to prevent that from happening.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Perhaps this will be coupled with the congregations being told to shift focus to public Witnessing - trolley witnessing and street witnessing and informal witnessing - trying to use their normal everyday interactions with people at work, on public transportation, at the doctors office, etc as opportunities to give a witness. This is where the new tracts will come in handy. JWs may be told to never leave home without having some tracts that they can give to others in informal witnessing. The org. will probably also capitalize on modern technology by training JWs to use their smart phones to bring up the when informally witnessing to others.

    I'd like to point out that all this has already happened. They've long encouraged people to carry tracts with them at all times, and leave literature out on their desk at work/school. There's also been a big push to play that stupid "why study the bible" video to people at the door and to those you may meet informally or at work/school.

    Beth Sarim - we got the same hints our last CO visit. I bet it's in the outline. I got the impression that the timeframe would be this year's annual meeting.

  • AlphaMan

    Wait a minute ! In that lovely pic Oubliette posted, do I see a pair of feet sticking out of that freshly made steaming pile ?


    Yep.....he represents the local body of elders taking the theocratic food from the Watchtower F&DS to feed to the publishers.

    Elephant shit

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    LOL! great photo, explains what "something big is coming" really means. And, get out of the way!


  • Xanthippe

    They are just reminders to the sheeple that they must obey without question - the impression that something will happen is deliberate but does not mean they actually think something really will happen, they have been making people believe something will happen imminently (and you need to obey no matter what) for over 100 years

    I agree with Fraz they are just trying to keep everyone in line. When you think about it the overlapping generations nonsense is the biggest thing that has happened that the R+F 'may initially lack full understanding of'. Mainly because it's absolute rubbish.

    This year in particular they need to punch it home that you must obey us even when it makes no sense because people like my siblings have been expecting the new system within one generation of 1914 their whole lives.

  • villagegirl


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