Party in the kingdom hall!

by StephaneLaliberte 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    BluesBrother: Personally, if this is the way it is going - that would be a change for the better.

    With all due respect - Huh??? You think this would be a change for the better??? Since JWs say that the majority of mankind are "imminently" in danger of losing their lives and that they (JWs) have the key to survival, I think a change for the better would be for them to study, educate themselves, gain knowledge, hone their intelligence, sharpen their reasoning skills, get some dignity, etc. With every passing minute, they should be becoming more serious, less concerned about fun, more concerned about warning their fellow humans. However, they're going in the opposite direction - dumbing down, becoming more ineffective in their ministry, focusing more on having fun and becomining more mainstream, 'having the times of their lives' (Atlanta International Convention video), etc.

    I can't believe you think this would be a change for the better. If they truly believe the end of the world is imminent, shouldn't they be like the Israelite army solemnly marching around Jericho? Shouldn't they be studying the Scriptures like monks and becoming experts in the word of their god so they can defend him and his word and be able to help their fellow humans?

    When I became a JW, I had a life; I knew how to have fun. I never needed JWs to provide fun in my life. I was solely attracted to them because I thought they had the truth and I liked what that perceived truth had to offer. If I had never been a JW and were introduced to them now, there's no way I would become one. They can't defend their "truth" anymore and I certainly don't need their brand of fun. Let's see... corny dancing around the KH in dress clothes or boogie-boarding at the beach?

  • wokeup

    What I find of interest here, is that the organizers intermixed 'kingdom malodies' with old pop songs. Capping the festivities off with Pharrell Williams.

    Performing them on the stage in a structure 'dedicated to Jehovah'. With 'sisters' taking ' the lead '. Blurred lines indeed. History in the making?

    Is this what is all about?

    'Happiness is the truth'

  • whathehadas

    @Magnum LOL You're saying that the Witnesses should be more serious and focusing more on the preaching work. Why? We all know it's bullshit and the last thing we want is more people to join the cult. You should be “happy" that they are attempting to go outside the box, that of which they've been closed in for so long. This “party” at the Kingdom Hall may be a step for more freedom for the Witnesses stuck in. ExJWs should want this to happen and for the JW to be MORE like other mainstream religions. Maybe, just MAYBE.....this will mean change on some of their hardcore policies that have torn many families apart. Just my 2 cent

  • Magnum

    whattehadas, nope, you're wrong; you didn't read what I said with comprehension. I wasn't saying that they should be more serious and focus more on the preaching work; I was speaking from their perspective. I said "Since JWs say that the majority of mankind are "imminently" in danger of losing their lives..." I was saying that since they think the end of the world is imminent, they should be fervently preaching, etc.

    And I disagree with you about wanting JWs "to be MORE like other mainstream religions". Right now, I think all religion is BS. I don't want JWs to be more like more popular religions; I want them to use what brains they have and think and be reasonable. I want them to see TTATT.

    And I say it again (about the fifth time). What they were doing was corny and embarassing. It's not my idea of fun - goofy dancing around a kingdom hall by a bunch of goody-goodies who condescendingly think they're right and everybody else is wrong. If it makes you so happy, then go join in with the fun. You and I have completely different tastes.

  • whathehadas

    @Magnum I understood what you said. It surely wouldn't be in the best interest for those stuck in and those gullible to “the Truth” on the outside. That's if.....they would focus solely on the preaching work. “ I don't want JWs to be more like more popular religions; I want them to use what brains they have and think and be reasonable. I want them to see TTATT.” They wouldn't have a religion then, if that was the case. The chances of that happening are way lower than them evolving into a more tolerant religion.

    As for what's “corny” or “embarassing” in that vid. That's subjective. It wasn't fun for you but looks like they were enjoying themselves. I wouldn't want to be there regardless but it would be a whole lot more fun than sitting in a seat for hours taking in “spiritual food”. A good thing you are out Magnum. I'm sure you were that no nonsense brother, who the laid back, and easy going witnesses tried to avoid.

  • Magnum

    whathehadas: They wouldn't have a religion then, if that was the case. The chances of that happening are way lower than them evolving into a more tolerant religion.

    I'd rather they not have a religion than evolve into a more tolerant one. Even if they do become more tolerant, they're still going to have all the other problems we've mentioned on this site.

    As for what's “corny” or “embarassing” in that vid. That's subjective. It wasn't fun for you but looks like they were enjoying themselves.

    I'm not sure it is completely subjective; It's one of those things I know when I see, but I don't know how to measure it objectively. Watch a video of The Situation (Michael Sorrentino) at the Comedy Central roast of Donald Trump. I don''t know how to explain objectively why he bombed, but I know he did.

    Also, I'm not sure they were really having fun. I've already said this earlier on this thread, but evidently some are posting without reading the whole thread, so I'll have to say it again. I think many just were going along because they saw others joining in - like a kind of peer pressure. JWs do that a lot. They just go with the flow and don't question. They think that since everybody else is doing it, it must be the thing to do, and they don't want to be different or stand out.

    A lot of JWs don't know how to have fun. I know some who go from one hobby or interest to the next just seeking some kind of fulfillment in life, but not really enjoying anything.

    I do think that the members of the group, "The Theocratic Revue" were having fun because they were eating up the attention they were getting and thought they were better than they were. They were doing that for themselves - not for their visitors. They had a captive audience.

    A good thing you are out Magnum. I'm sure you were that no nonsense brother, who the laid back, and easy going witnesses tried to avoid.

    Totally wrong. I was the one they sought out and wanted to be around. If you ever find out who I am, you will be able to verify that. I was the one who loved life and who all the JWs could approach. I was easy-going, non-judgmental, well-liked. I was extremely approachable. JWs always wanted be with and around me, wanted to work with me in service, etc. They approached me and confided in me. I was no-nonsense in that I thought JWs had the truth and everybody else's life was in immediate danger and I spent my life accordingly, suffering and sacrificing and putting the ministry first. But I was very laid back and I still am.

    If I saw those people out wetbiking or hiking a mountain or just sitting around playing chess, I wouldn't fault them at all because I could genuinely believe they were having fun and it wouldn't be corny. But good God that dancing around the kingdom hall was corny and embarassing. Maybe I am wrong in my judgement, but right now I think I'm right. If I were still an active JW and knew of a level-headed interested person, I would try to keep him from seeing the video - esp the part of them getting all happy and dancing around the kingdom hall.

  • whathehadas

    @Magnum You were well liked. I apologize. Alright then. Why you are hating on this “party’? The more they do this......the less harm they will cause. The Religion is not going anywhere so MORE fun in the Kingdom Hall = Less of a Cult. Regardless of if some of them were parroting along. They STILL were there and didn't leave. I know a few “self righteous” Witnesses that would have left and made a fuss about this. Most Witnesses may not know how to have fun but with a less strict religion they can learn.

  • Magnum

    whathehadas - you seem like a nice guy. I don't mean to argue with you in a mean-spirited way. I really am a nice guy, too. I really care about JWs and want to help them, but most are not helpable. They won't even consider the possiblity that they or their governing body could be wrong, yet they try to point out how all others are wrong. They're clueless, yet think they have all the answers.

    I really don't intend to hate on their "party". I just find that dancing around the kingdom hall to be embararssingly and nauseatingly corny. I get kind of the same feeling when I see this commercial...

    You know how blacks sometimes joke about whites not being able to dance. Well, I'm white, but I see why blacks say that. A lot of (not all) whites just look stupid dancing; they look corny.

    If you don't think the dancing around the kingdom hall was corny and embarassing, then let's just say we disagree about it. I'm sure we agree about a lot of other things.

  • SonoftheTrinity

    Give them a break. One thing any ex-JW must know is that freeing up is a process. If the JWs would free up I wouldn't have such a problem with them. Remember this is Minnesota. Maybe if they had kept it real and done Kingdom Song in a Happy Funtime Polka rhythm they might have come across as a little more genuine and they would have kept the rhythm better. The Bible talks about Spiritual man and Natural Man and Paul disparaged the Natural man, but music is where the Spiritual and the Natural become one, just as Christ's Divine and Human nature are one. The Kingdom songs as they are arranged are soulless which seems intentional as Jehovah's Witnesses don't have immortal souls like Jews, Muslims, and Christians. They are happy they will survive armageddon, and I am happy that I am superior to them because I have an immortal soul but they don't have immortal souls because they sold them to Witchtower for a bill of false promises that they spinned out of a bad translation. The no beard policy is proof positive that the don't really worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that their men have no souls. I truly hope that Jehovah saves his people from their leadership and gives them their souls back from the devil who is clearly doing the worst cosmic copywrite violation of all time through the Witchtower Organization.

  • Dis-Member

    No need to apologize Magnum, you nailed it the first time. This is a first class mind control cult of the highest order and there is no pleasure at all in watching them embarrassingly hop around and trying to call it 'progress' in normalcy when it's not.

    When they loosen up on their inhuman draconian disfellowshipping rules, destroying families, apostate labeling, blood issue, education stance, blind obedience and veritable worship of some self titled old men that live in a luxury tower in Crooklyn and for ever lying about and whitewashing their own history then maybe.

    Until then there is no joy whatsoever to be had in this awkward and embarrassing display of pseudo freedom. This same happy clappy crowd will tear your family to shreds and condemn you to burn without a second thought and then go home and sing about it.

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