My friends don't believe dinosaurs existed ....

by wannabefree 50 Replies latest social relationships

  • Apognophos

    Hmm, JWs shouldn't believe that Satan has the power to create new kinds of animals

  • kaik

    Dinosaurs' fossils were known since antiquity. Roman emperors were vivid collectors of them and some of the bones were also discovered and interpreted in medieval times a proof of the Deluge. The best way to see evolution is to hit the nature; however, JWs do not have enough time for it, because they are busy seating on studies and doing field service.

  • PhilJonesIII

    This is strange. From the comments here I can only conclude the WTS has changed its ideas about creation. Been a long time 'out' but certainly back in the 70s the official view that there was no 'time of creation' for the universe or the Earth. In fact I remember a line from one of the publications actually saying that any suggestion that the Earth was just 6000 years old was 'absurd'.

    The seven 'days' of creation were of indeterminate length. There was some oblique comment in the Greek Scriptures that suggested 6 or 7 thousand years but I always felt the JW chronology was about looking at things that weren't actually there.

    At the time of my zombie-like faith-adhering ways I'd assumed the dinosaurs were the 'monsters' referred to in the early part of Genesis. Only tells you what you need to know...right? Turned out to be what they thought the knew but that's a another story.

    Dinosaurs wiped out in the flood? I suspect mankind would have spent more time building better walls than sinning if those things were wandering around looking for lunch. No one has ever seen a living T-Rex. Even the fossil record shows this.

    The early dinosaur reconstructions were more about getting the punters in than scientific accuracy, even allowing for the lack of knowledge at the time. Early palaeontologists were not exactly low on ambition. Check out Sir Richard Owen and be grateful you never worked for him.

  • Apognophos

    Phil, I think the problem here is that not all JWs are on the same page. The Society does not argue over the age of the earth, accepting the scientific "billions of years". So they do believe that dinosaurs walked the earth before humans did.

  • M*A*S*H

    I think you are all over reacting... clearly when 'the husband' responded....

    I asked "do you think dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together?" ... the husband answerd, "No, dinosaurs never did walk the earth"

    ... he was referring to the fact that dinosaurs actually skipped rather than walked, when skipping was not possible hopping was preferred. ;o)

  • wannabefree

    My friends are not JW's, they are quasi-nondenominational fundamentalists, and as far as I can perceive from our conversation, they basically believe dinosaurs are an elaborate hoax by scientists and/or satan.

  • poopsiecakes

    Watch Jurassic Park with them, BAM!

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I wonder what George the stegasaurus would have to say about that.

  • Vidiot

    poopsiecakes - "Watch Jurassic Park with them..."

    Kids and I are lookin' forward to Jurassic WORLD next May (in 3D)...

  • rebel8

    I heard dubs claim dinosaurs were bulldozer-shaped and demons made fossils too. It's just so sad the lengths people will go to in order to avoid disconfirming their beliefs.

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