is going to a strip club a disfellowshipping offense?

by monis1 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    simply put, in all seriousness from WT doctine, it is "immoralaity".

    So yes...if they want to, the elders can disfellowship for it

  • Satanus

    It depends on what kind of strip club it is. Is it a no contact one, or a lap dance one.


  • Quarterback

    Sparrowdown....that's too funny.

    But, seriously, if it is Business Territory, your OK. If you are in a Gay Bar, that's Brazen conduct.

  • Wild_Thing

    Just take some JW.ORG promotional material to pass out and you're all good! Perhaps pasties for the ladies with the logo in the middle?

  • clearpoison

    I think this should be considered in the same way as watching porn. If it is regular mono/heterosexual sex they show there it should be ok, you just loose your precious privileges. But if they show abhorrent forms of sexual behaviour then you are subject to JC at least. I must admit I am not a regular visitor in strip clubs, have just seen the concept in several criminal series in TV. Mostly it seems there is just one girl undressing, but maybe they are imaging just a cleaned up version of what is going on in those clubs. Ofcourse if it gets physical that is totally another story.


  • skeeter1

    A JW woman/relative told me that back in the late 60's, the JWs would go to the Go-Go dance clubs. Her husband "made" her go. She walked out when she saw the dancers with covering on their nipples only. Her husband and the others stayed, and reasoned that the dancers were not naked so it was art. Husband was later disfellowshipped for other reasons, and the whole congregation was closed. No one was disfellowshipped for going to a "go-go".

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Strip club got me thru my teens...

    and 20's

    well ya'll know where this is going ;-)

  • ShirleyW

    Just check the parking lot to make sure the elders aren't already there.

  • villagegirl

    Monis 1 - no JW elder has any authority to hear any confession from

    anyone. Its an absurd cult ritual. Those Elders are high school graduates

    in suits and ties. Thjey have no spiritual authority because the WT is not

    "God's organization" its a cult Monis. You are in a Cult. Nobody cares

    whether you saw naked ladies. Really ? There are people dying of hunger

    in the world, this is of no importance.

  • granada35

    Well as someone who has been an MS in both English & Spanish congregations, I can honestly state that for the last 6 months I have been going to a gay club in the Los Angeles area every week and spend some time in the lap dance area with my very muscular and huge MAN dancer. I have come to the conclusion that No one in the kingdom hall pays my bills so they are entitled to Zero information about my personal life! Yes can you say it again....its a cult!!!

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