Finally learned how to live the REAL real life

by forest heathen 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • zebagain

    What a colourful history. Your sincerity has immense magnitude. I am happy your son made it back from A. I wish him the best in his new role. I used to write the occasional little article to a magazine called Keepers Voice and I hope it is still publishing.

    With the breadth of experience you all have you have a massive plinth to found your futures and nows on.

  • Adiva

    Oh, this felt really good to read along with my sparkling wine. Nice to see you here.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Oh Wow Forest Heathen. You have learned how to live and are doing it!

    Good for you and your family.

    We are not apostates.

    We are thinker's and doer's!

    And you have done very well!

    Congratulations for moving ahead!


  • MissFit

    Welcome. Its inspiring to hear about someone living a fulfilling life outside th WT.

    "Where else would we go? " How about to a happy fulfilling life?

    Good for you.

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, it's so great to read a success story, you got out with family intact and went on to live a great life, good for you.

    For me, leaving my marriage was the push to get me out of the Borg, but I am happily remarried to the love of my life. I have ADD too, I keep thinking I am still young also, but I have a grown grandson, he is reporting to the Air Force this month for basic training. I am so happy that he was able to do this without being shunned, he was never involved with the JWs. Thank your son for his service, my husband is retired Army, he served in the gulf war. My stepson served with the Marines in Iraq and recently returned from Afghanistan with the Army reserves.

  • monis1

    what a nice experience. It is nice when one can not be bitter and take the cult experience and realize that it made us who we are today. It is amazing that you all faded together without even planning it!

  • tootired2care

    Something tells me you're going to be a GOT fan if you're not already. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's wonderful to see people enjoying their lives instead of sitting in the kingdumb hell.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great post!


    I really loved your comment re :

    "We didn't even discuss our fading, it was almost as though we telepathically agreed to it."

    That is really cool....I am hoping that this occurs with my wife.....

  • will-be-apostate

    HI and welcome aboard It's great to read that you successfully get out including your family members. As MissFit said it is indeed inspiring, we don't hear everyday such stories.

    Congratulations on getting published! Could you give us the title of your series?

    Tootires2care, GoT fan here!

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy


    A happy and contented life can be had outside the watchtower?

    That's not what I've been told...

    (good for you. Well done!)

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