Were you 100% in?

by pontoon 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers


    No more...

    No how....

    No way....

  • Apognophos

    The answer to this is not a simple yes/no or percentage for me. Like wanderlust, I liked the structure and rules, but I never really had a feeling that I was a part of something magical and blessed by God. I didn't think the GB was right about some things, but I did think they were the closest thing to the truth. But I never had the fearful reaction that some evinced when faced with opposing evidence or apostates, so I think that a lot of the fear conditioning just wasn't effective on me. Still, I have a martyr's personality, so I was prepared to give my life over the blood issue or persecution. It doesn't take much to get me to risk my life, though; I have a poor sense of self-preservation. So was it 100%? Not really, but then again losing your life over something is a pretty absolute form of obedience.

  • KateWild

    100% until I was DF'd unjustly and questioned HS on my JC. Kate xx

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I was born in. I never liked it or that.

    I had to get baptized to use the hall for our wedding which my inlaws wanted and I wanted a church/hall wedding also.

    I got Baptized in 72 and between 72 and 75 I took it seriously as they fooled me about armeggedon and the end of the world.

    After January 1 1976, I started fading and totally quit in 83.

  • tidalblitz

    Thinking back, I don't think that I was ever 100% all-in even as a pioneer. It was more about hanging with friends (none of whom are witnesses any longer). But I was a 100% believer. I was born-in and finally baptized at 17. I did it more due to the peer pressure than anything else. We had 7 baptized from my hall that year. 6 were teens or younger, including myself.

    Started seeing TTATT in 2012. The few years before that, I was more lazy than anything else since the meetings were boring and field service was stupid. Right now, I'm in but looking to get out. Had actually completely stopped attending meetings for about 9 months and FS for 2 years, but for some reason, my wife has started being all gung-ho about getting spiritually stronger.

  • RubaDub


    Rub a Dub

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