You heard it here second...

by SixofNine 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Page 29 of the WT publication, "True Peace and Security, How Can You Find It?" (circa 1986- orange book- just to bring back a rich visual memory for you oldtimers)

    Sex before marriage, with one or more partners...will henceforth be considered morally acceptable.

    hey, if they can do it, we can do it. lol

    PS how did they manage to be so incredibly consistent in making those books the exact same physical size???? it's as if the consistency (god is after all, a god of order) and packaging considerations took precedence over the content.

  • TR

    What the...? I wanna see that book!


  • SixofNine

    I came across the motherload in my garage of the family home tonight.

    boxes of old pubs. a box of 192 page books in placeable condition!

    people would only look at you slightly funnier now with these books, than they did back in 1976.

  • mommy

    Six of nine,
    You reminded me of going to yard sales, which were always incorporated into field service We would find "old" books, the funny thing is they looked like they were never opened! I would think people are only taking them to be nice. What am I doing out here! LOL at that memory. BTW this isn't like the article you brought up for DFshipped is it? LOL at that one too.

  • RR

    no fair six, that was a quote from the Church of England NOT the Watchtower Society!

    You don't want to be guilty of Watchtowerism, eh?

    Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.

  • Frenchy

    Come on, Six, play nice. This is what the quote, in its entirety, says:

    More and more clergymen accept what the Bible condemns as sexual immorality, as these sample headlines and news items show: When What's Bad Becomes Good the Clergy Will Tell Us. "[The Church of England] is now shedding its old-fashioned authoritarian image. Sex before marriage, with one or more partners, . . . will henceforth be considered morally acceptable."-Alberta Report.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

    Edited by - Frenchy on 20 February 2001 7:45:44

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Geez Six,
    You scared me. Taking texts out of context is no fair. And here I thought I would have something to show to my active JW parents.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Thank you for clearing my head Frenchy. I was just about ready to go into an all out tail spin over that one.

  • SixofNine

    hey, c'mon folks, I did say

    if they can do it, we can do it

    Mommy, I love estate sales. Hey, lets get up early saturday, get dressed for service (just to see if I still look right in a suite), skip service, have breakfast and go estate sale-ing! I haven't gone since my divorce. (so if in the middle of looking through someones book collection, I spontaneously start crying, you'll know why, lol).

    PS. Wendy, this post has all the essential elements of truth....the quote is from the book, and I do have a motherload of old publications, many of them in place-able condition.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I, for one, think that this out-of-context quote is perfectly acceptable, and I am both pleased and astonished at the "new light" emanating from Brooklyn (even if it was essentially squeezed, mangled, manipulated, and ground to a pulp....I LIKE it).

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