Japanese Tea Ceremony

by jgnat 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jeannette

    Hey, Zebagain, isn't there a song about that--when the billy boils? Something about Matilda?

  • jgnat

    LisaRose, the four principles of the tea ceremony are harmony, respect, purity and tranquility.

    Yes, every action was precise and with a purpose.

    AppleHippie, yes, those were my photos. I did not take any pictures of the preparation itself as that is considered disrespectful. The floral arrangement is indeed lovely, signifying spring. The calligraphy was about fearlessness.

    It might sound hokey, but the entire experience brought me nearly to tears. I would say, yes, I have been followed by tranquility afterwards. I look forward to the next ceremony in June.

    I did not capture perfectly the sound of the kettle, which indeed sounds like wind through pines. Such attention to detail.

    zebagain, the billy preparation echoes the ritual, especially the placement of a bamboo ladel over the kettle (instead of a eucalyptus branch). Just as a Western tea hostess would, the bowl is first swished with hot water, and the water discarded before making the tea. Zeb, you might have to be a member of google plus to open the photos.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I saw a Japanese Tea Ceremony on Karate Kid Part II, so I am way ahead of you guys on that one.

  • Gregor

    Is it anything like the tequila shot, lime and salt on the fist ceremony? I have been to those and found them very soothing.

  • RubaDub

    For what it's worth, we have a Toyota in the driveway.

    Rub a Dub

  • jgnat

    Guys, guys...LOL.

    We also got a tour of the Japanese Garden while we were there. There are two streams in the garden, one rushing representing the strength of the male,

    Rushing Stream

    and another a gently flowing female force, allowing growing things in it's depths and along it's banks.

    Female Stream

    Makes one ponder.

  • Phaedra


    Yes, obviously, a highly personal and inarticulate affair. I wish I could share it with more of you.


    Beautiful share.


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