What if you were a member of the GB and you woke up

by enigma1863 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lied2NoMore

    Sell off all bethel assets..build a new facility in warwick...skim a chunk of the proceeds off and hide it so no one can trace it...move to tahiti and live out my days

  • jgnat

    Appoint women in leadership. Gradually soften the doctrines and eliminate the punishments to turn the organization mainstream.

  • zebagain

    Pixel: Wow! great idea. as CBG said a "wondrous idea".

    what would happen? You would booted out as others have been. I have recently read the book "The Gentile Times revisited" recommended reading for anyone and everyone.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You can't "fix" the Watchtower. It needs to go down.

    If I were a member of the GB and I woke up, I would try to get me to one of the biggest events like the Detroit or Atlanta International Convention and my talk would be legendary. I mean- WHO would want to stop me, the faithful slave, until it was too late? I would work up my revealing of TTATT slowly, starting with something along the lines of "Changes happen in Jehovah's organization." By the time I get to "One day, we may have to change current understandings again" they still won't know where I am going and would be afraid to stop me.

  • wannabefree

    what if frogs had wings?

  • stuckinarut2

    Keep all names anonymous .... Adds to the fake hold over the masses...just like the wizard of oz....

  • joe134cd

    I would think "OH SHIT"!!!!!!!

  • Ocean1111


    You can't "fix" the Watchtower. It needs to go down.

    That is true IMO. It is too late for a "reformation". If one tracks the notable trends to the GB dictatorship inception of 1976, it becomes obvious that style of corporate control is the epicenter of the Bethel fall. From that point in actual plummet of effective growth of "disciples", JWs went from straight projection of 12 million today, to geometrically more like 20 million "disciples" had the corruption and lies not eclipsed the growth projection.

    Thus a trend like that has not bottomed out at just the loss of 10% effective growth under GB "guidance". That style of management and application of anti-christian principles is the one single "adjustment" that signals it must go into a negative growth, and it may just be a great abruption, and it may mean the loss of over 50% or more of modern JW "disciples" when this finally reaps all it has sown.

    IMO Bethel will go down completely as a self-destructed organization. It is as if all those prophecies they apply to "apostate" Jerusalem will now replicate on "apostate" Bethel.

    It is eerily striking the clarity of Jehovah's witnesses own self fulfilling prophecy, they even expect it, but it will not be for the reasons of "divine approval" they seek to conceal reality in. It will be simply what happens to a corrupt religion that has made judgment of others one of it's strongest themes. That is why it will reap what it has sown and all the principles it applies to others are the ones that cosmic inevitability will apply to it.

    "Babylon the Great" and "Christendom" are not at the same level as Bethel hypocrisy, and will be far safer places to be when the Bethel Titanic actually starts going down. It hit the iceberg from within in 1976. The GB was corrupt then, and only progressed from bad to worse in it's brief dictatorship.

    Even Jehovah's witnesses are not Jehovah's witnesses any longer, there is no resemblance to pre 1950s "Jehovah's Witnesses", it simply is not even the same "faith" it used to be, it is just a religious organizational corruption that made 4 billion+ dollars in the process. That much did exponentiate with expert investment advisors and FREE slave labor, under governmental tax advantges globally - it is a racket. It has been one of the greatest money making investment oppotunities of all time for insiders, and now it is going into liquidation prior to full implosion.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Awesome post, Ocean.

    They are like a bunch of inept Ferengi.

  • TTATTelder

    In answer to the OP.....you might wake up, have a stroke, and then not wake up...

    But seriously, lets not fool ourselves here. They only need a 2/3 vote to change doctrine. That's all you need to know.

    That means right now there are members of the GB that are technically apostates. It's a sham.

    Ocean1111 is right on the money. It will be fun to watch the ship sink.

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