The Governing Body told two Elders to call !!!!

by Phizzy 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    A friend from the other end of the Country just 'phoned and told me that a couple of days ago two Elders knocked on his door. He has been out for four or more years.

    They told him it was C.O's visit, and the Governing Body have asked them to call on those whom they no longer see at the K.Hall.

    I guess this is an easier "field" than knocking on doors that never open, or where they are told "not interested".

    My friend Bill though, was not such an easy call. Apparently he managed to get in about 1914 being rubbish, the Bible not being the word of god, because we cannot trust it, 1919 being rubbish as to the choosing of the FDS and several other telling points.

    I liked particularly that he said to them they were rather hypocritical asking Householders to examine their faith, when JW's were simply not allowed to !

    He thinks he may get some flack back from this visit, as it was two Elders, but he really doesn't care, none of his family ,or anyone he counts as friends are "in".

    I told him that if they did try to give him grief over his views they shouold prove him wrong, and themselves right, not just organise a J.C for a bloke who really couldn't give a flying fudge bar.

    He just laughed and said "You know they can't defend the "truth", and as far as I'm concerned they can do whatever they like."

    Good old Billy Boy !

  • leaving_quietly

    This is a new program for the C.O. visit... call on all the inactive ones in the congregation. This will happen now twice a year.

  • Phizzy

    Really ? I am prepared if they call on me, I hope I do as well as Bill.

    The problem is for "Faders" that at some point it is going to come to some sort of crunch surely ?

    If you wish to simply stay "faded" that really will be very difficult with them calling twice a year won't it ?

  • happy@last

    The one time the elders showed any interest after I left/faded they parted with 'we miss you and hope you will come back one day'. I didn't want them to feel like that and certainly never wanted another conversation with them, which is why I DA'd. I'm sure your friend won't get any more 'friendly' visits.

  • jgnat

    The lamb that was lost; what would it be after four years? A bag of bones.

  • joe134cd

    Looking at it from a jw perspective the thing I find puzzling is how an organization is prepared to spend countless man hours and billions of dollars pissing people off trying to give them magerzines, yet will do relatively nothing to retain it's members. From my perspective I'm quite glad they do near nothing.

  • sarahsmile

    ".... hypocritical asking Householders to examine their faith, when JW's were simply not allowed to !"

    Hey I am going to use this one! Good point! JW always talk about others religions and not their own.

  • cultBgone

    Thanks for the warning....I have no desire to converse any further with them.

  • blondie

    I have seen this done once a year, calling on the inactive, but the elders don't like doing it...they have to be forced by the CO or thru a letter to the COBOE.

    They rarely call to make an appointment, just drop by at THEIR convenience. Just don't talk to them or invite them in. Say you are busy in the middle of some important task. If they ask a question, "I can't talk now." Then gently shut the door. Be sure you have caller ID on your phone and let them leave a message or eliminate at the start.

    They can check off your name and drop in unannounced on the next chump.

    I never talk when they come, no pearls before swine.


  • L3G

    This is a new program for the C.O. visit... call on all the inactive ones in the congregation. This will happen now twice a year.

    Like CBG I must say thanks for the heads up. More reason to go further underground...

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