Miami Has New Young Partakers

by James Jackson 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS

    Rub - agree. Pistoff - delusonal in the sense of all things Borgian and knowing (one would assume since they are indicated to be pioneers) the 'rules.' Not delusional from an external non-Borgian perspective I would agree.

  • konceptual99

    Strictly speaking they should be counted. The instructions are to count all partakers.

  • snare&racket

    When you think about it, it is quite funny that this all revolves around two young people sipping some wine bought at a local miami store.

  • NewYork44M

    That is messed up on so many levels. I don't know whether to scream or eat a bananna.

  • villagegirl

    OK I am just going to say it. How can you, any of you - possibly believe that

    only "special people" or a "limited number" are supposed to 'partake' ?????

    Being annointed just means the holy spirit has touched you, or that you are

    in a state of grace for no reason other than you believe that Jesus Christ is

    the son of God and lived and does live. Its NOT something you "attain" or

    "aspire to" its just the normal state of being part of the body of Christ, which

    is the normal state of ALL CHRISTIANS, these weird doctrines of only 144,000

    being "annointed" are FALSE DOCTRINES, and all here, are suposed to left this

    error and the error of the so called magical eight men and the so called FDS,

    so the real quesion IS, why didn't EVERYONE in Miami partake ??????

    The abnormal are the ones who refused to do what Jesus asked them to.

  • John_Mann

    Jesus asked to me to cut off my sinful body members.

  • DJS


    I think most are agreeing with you; I certainly am. My point is contextually two young women partaking is violating Borg 'rules.' But I'm a strong proponent of violating all of their dumbass controllling rules. I'm with these young women. But I'm also an atheist and don't really care about this weird tradition. I do care about the decent people left inside the hive.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I just wonder for how long they will remain pioneers. Probably the elders will take some action.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If I was an old fart in heaven, and the end was so near, I would also ask Jehovah and Jesus if we can "put the holy spirit into" a couple of young ladies so they can join us.

  • snare&racket

    Yes indeed on the way out.... I would bring lists....

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