Old Testament's God Is Not The God of Love - How Do You Prove it?

by will-be-apostate 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Jehovah™is like his Witnesses™: the things WT condemns everyone else for doing are suddenly righteous when they themselves do it.


    Jehovah™ condemns jealousy and love of violence...unless he's the one doing it- then it's okay.

  • BU2B

    Isiah 45:7

  • Vidiot

    Reading Terry's post, "Jehovah" comes across as someone with untreated bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia.

  • will-be-apostate

    Thank you guys for your replies. I found this video on, it is related to the subject being discussed.


    There are lots of other videos on that channel that are worth seeing.

  • yalbmert99

    Here is a short video of professor Richard Dawkins about that god of the old testament :


  • Phizzy

    Oy Vey ! I guess you don't like him then Richard ? (that is as close as I can get to a good bit of Jewish Humour).

    I think that what comes through in the New Testament is that Jesus was in fact preaching a very different God from the one we see in the O.T.

    I can really empathise with Jesus on this, I was brought up like him on the O.T stories, but I rationalised them (somehow ?), and I got to firmly believe that if a God existed, and He was worthy of worship, or even the time of day, He would have to be a God of Love.

    I made for myself a "religion within a "religion"" , in that I simply could not accept the WT/JW view of Armageddon.

    I believed the God of Love would also love Justice, and therefore He would destroy no one who had a good heart, no matter what they may have done, or more important from a WT perspective, not done. i.e believe a poorly presented message at their door.

    That is the kind of thinking that gets you thrown out of the W.T, and got Jesus killed.

    The problem with trying to make the Bible become a sensible single book is that, it simply is not. It is 66 arbitrarily chosen books, by 40 or more authors, all writing at different times, with different agendas, and very different ideas of God.

    It is plain to see when you read the O.T that we go from Pan-theism,through Heno-theism to eventiually Mono-theism.

    Jesus it would appear believed in the One true god, and no other, but that god was not the evolving God of the O.T , he was the God that Jesus envisaged.

    The writer of the Letters of John expressed a similar, maybe more developed, concept ," God is love".

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