Why are we not seeing more posts on Cosmos? Im surprised! Believers, what do you think!?

by Jon Preston 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Please please please? I want to see and hear peoples views on what we have seen.

    I, personally, think it has been fantastic. I hear many complain its not informative enough or its sugar coated or whatever but i think its brilliant for the mere fact that its dumbed down for us lamen folk...my wife still doesnt get some of it and i agree...but that, for me, shows how comex real life is....its not easy as many religionists believe....

  • prologos

    those interested in science have better, more profound venues to get their daily fix.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Really? Id say cosmos is the perfect intro to science IMO. How bout all the individuals daring to belueve facts? Or maybe those more responsive to visual learning vs reading? Im not in diagreement im just saying many people learn differently....why arent you interested prologos?

  • snare&racket


    wrong prologos, i love it and all the science outlets are talking COSMOS and Sagan memories constantly right now. You claim to be interested in astronomy and are dissing the best entertainment and education made on astronomy in 30 years. Prologos you are a lemon!

    I was celebrating it today on my facebook.

    Jon, christians have lost the war on science and information, they don't even know what the words mean anymore and have given up pretending that not only do they know science, but more than science..... its what is commonly known as "bullshitting." Even making crap up takes effort and time, only to be cestroyed by anyone with a high school science knowledge.

    Cosmos is a beautiful program, it may get missed first time round by believers, bit as it replays over time it will answer all their questions. For those too afraid to hear the answers, it will be there ready to watch by their braver children...

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Heres the thing snare--and thanks for giving a positive post lol...but if God was a God who obeyed the laws he created (eh?) he is not only bound by them but why condemn those humans who are merely abiding by them? Just sayin!! Thanks mate!

  • Viviane

    Cosmos is a fantastic show, prologos.

    I am so glad things like that exist out there to get kids and adults interested in real science, how amazing and wonderful it can be. I stress REAL science, though.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Y kids at age 4 and 2, to build a rocket ship and explore outer space.....too me that is such higher levek thinking for akid...now they say "daddy, do we live in the earth?" And i say "well, well we live ON the earth but, yes, within the atmosphere"...and they respond "i wish i could take a rocket ship and see outer space"....I smile big :-D

  • HeyThere

    I absolutely love Cosmos. I dvr and rewatch and love. I also love ancient aliens. i am.facinated by this stuff anyways. a big science nerd. i wish i would have gone to college for science instead of business lol.

    speaking of...i just have to mention the elder giving the talk at the kh this week started going on amd on about dinosaurs when going over the draw close to jehovah....ttatt pr oblivious?

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Hey There, Hey There! It could be! The cosmos is brilliant! Its TRUTH....testable, verifiable facts....here is the kicker. If these "facts are lroven wrong you are NOT obligated to adhere to them!!! And lets just assume Jehovah is real...is he going to hate you for looking and seeking truth in all things? In My opinion Jesus gave us the beginning to searching for scientific truth! How do we tell if something is true? Hm?

  • prologos

    well, I have to start watching then, thanks for the informed encouragement.

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