Scary College Graph (or Why JWs Are Freakin' Broke)

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The contrast is quite dramatic. OTOH, you have all that student debt to pay off.

    and the Watchtower wonders where the donations went.....really?


  • Divergent

    Broke? Not where I am. Honestly speaking, I don't see any broke ones in my cong...

    In fact, there is actually a REVERSE trend - many are becoming increasingly materialistic. Few are keeping a simple eye. And it looks like this trend is growing, not just in my city but elsewhere too..

    Wonder if any others have noticed this too?

  • stuckinarut2

    Because if you believe in god, it can be said that he created us to better ourselves and enjoy all that life offers. Even soloman said that it was a good thing to work hard and enjoy the fruits of our labours.

    it is not wrong to have a nice life.... Only the dumb wt says to live as a martyr.

  • 88JM

    I was discussing with a JW about a couple in the congregation here who are really struggling financially at the moment. They're a young-ish couple in their late 30's, basic education, self emplyed, on less than minimum wage, and their car which they took a loan out to buy less than a year ago had just failed it's M.O.T. test so they can't get to meetings at the moment, even if they could afford the fuel. I seriously doubt they have any kind of retirement plan at all, and their remaining aged parents are getting on as well. The JW lifestyle is certainly coming back to bite for some I have no doubt.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Living in Manhattan, there are tons of jobs in almost every industry that do not need college. They are usually craft positions. Some are very hard to enter unless you bribe someone. I believe the Society would trash these jobs just as much as college. When I graduated college, I was overqualified for many jobs. My college had too good a reputation. No one believed I would stick around long enough to warrant the training time. I was desperate. It destroyed my confidence. Also, I studied so many things in college. The jobs available I could do with a 6th grade education. Every penny went to law boards courses. I was not eating lunch. The day I placed my applications in a mail box remains vivid in my mind. Twenty tons off my back.

  • NewYork44M

    A person can generally get into trouble by espousing generalizations.

    That being said, if a person plans his or her college education correctly and invests wisely there is a higher probability to success. Education has been a very valuable asset to me and to many people I know. But I try to hang around successful people so my observations may not replicate those of another person.

  • snare&racket

    Just Kidding... your reply is nuts dude x Think about what you are saying, it is a contradiction...

    It is funny how you can live amongst a group of people and develop a warped sense of reality. I have relatives that argue against my point about education and wages by saying things like "what is wrong with being a window cleaner" and "they can earn a fortune!"

    anyone thinking JW's are wealthy, the statistics prove otherwise. Take into consideration credit cards, no pensions, poor wages and come back in 20 or 30 years time and see how they are doing. I also like how you say they are becoming materialistic, rough translation they may have a new car, nice holiday, maybe an iphone.... NEWSFLASH... this is the real normality, there is nothing wrong in owning any of these things, give a reasoned explination as to why owning things or enjoying yourself is won't be able to, also every penny and dollar they spend increases your GDP, which represents your countries wealth which means it can borrow more, allow the WT to have their tax break and provide welfare for the pioneers who can't make ends meet.

    I was a window cleaner, I worked in a shop, I was a builder, worked on a farm, was a plumber for a while too. I have no issue with saying I wouldn't want my kids a'ing momey by washing the glass on householders homes for a living. Not many kids have window cleaner as an ambition!

    The Jehovah's Witnesses.... where dreams and goals are narrowed down......window cleaner, joiner, carpet fitter, plumber...

    I can't believe ANYONE with sense debates this. Ask a window cleaner if he would rather be an , lawyer, doctor, vet, pilot, sports professional, musician, economist, designer, engineer, writer, artist, senator, really think they are still saying 'no'?

    If someone has no goals or ambition.....something is wrong and someone is to blame. A very sad situation.

  • sparrowdown

    I would make it a practice to ask any I worked with in the ministry "if they did'nt become a jw what would they have liked to have been".

    I was so amazed at how every person I asked would get totally absorbed for the next hour or so telling me animatedly how they would have loved to have become a vet or a pilot or ballet dancer or scientist or a chef. They would become more excited about that and forget about the fs.

    It was fascinating to hear what their hopes and dreams would have been.

    Just a pity it was only hypothetical.

  • snare&racket

    there is always time.....

    my answer was always 'architect' or 'doctor'......

    Even by age 26 I still didn't even have the high school grades to enter medicine.... at age 33 I am completing my medical training. It really doesn't have to be hypothesis, there is life after WT, we just have to get them out! x

  • FatFreek 2005

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