Does anyone know? Will our disfellowshipping be announced when the CO is here?

by cha ching 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    I was literature servant and I asked the presiding overseer about announcing that the yearbooks had arrived. He said it was the circuit overseers visit and that there were no announcements during the visit. Then at the end of the meeting he gets up and announces " so and so has been disfellowshipped"

  • Blackbird Fly
    Blackbird Fly

    I have fantasised that if I wanted to cause a stir, I would sit in a row near the front when it is announced, and then gasp in shock and blurt out

    "what? I haven't been told any of this! What's going on?"

    then I would stay calm and remain for the rest of the meeting, and follow along, raising my hand for answers etc like usual just so it causes a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

    then after the mtg, just mingle as usual....

    what can they do? Drag us out physically?

  • leaving_quietly

    We had a DF announced when our CO visited. I don't see why not. Gotta keep the congregation clean, ya know.

  • eyeuse2badub

    That would be SPECIAL!

    just saying!


  • Apognophos

    There's a difference between the lack of an announcements part in the Service Meeting during a CO visit, and a ban on making all announcements of any kind, which obviously would not make sense (what if someone is in the hospital, etc.). There's no reason to postpone an important announcement like a DFing, so I wouldn't expect it to happen after the CO visit if they are prepared to make the announcement.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Funny, seems as tho we have all fantasized about "what to do" haha, and I AM so dramatic...

    Well, it IS 7:30 pm...

    2 B decided soon..... :-)

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Friend in OH was held off on df announcement for 3weeks, due to C.o. And meeting changes For an assembly.

    Wish you the best.

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Sparked a memory here. My father ex-serviceman in World War 11, studied with witnesses and baptised before the questions became part of the deal. He never really made any personality changes and often was at odds with the brothers. My brother was to be given a public reproof for conduct unbecoming a christian. My father had not been to meetings for years, he turned up for the announcement with his long shepherd's stick and stood up after the announcement and shook it in the air and called the elders a bunch of Judas's and hypocrites, he said he was guilty of crucifying his own son in going to them for help. I was 14 at the time and died on the spot of shame, thinking of my poor brother of 17 who just sat there white as a sheet. He stayed even after the meeting. My father left and carried on shouting outside the kingdom hall at the elders who went out and tried to pacify him.

    When I think back now, I realise how much gall he had, to be able to do that.

  • jhine

    cha ching , I did wonder why the question . PLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE keep us posted .


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Dear Jhine.... just so you "know" haahaaa (I have to leave for work pretty fast, so here is the boiled down version)

    Someone we know, who we have helped, was going to show up at the hall, and stick up for us... Stand up, telll em all to you know what, in a nice way haha... but, when he arrived, his mom (still a dub) pulled the "you are going to give me a heart attack" card.... He relented, called us "wellllll, for my mom's sake, and my mom's sake only, I didn't do it."

    He called right before I left.... But, I was going to be there to watch the action... I couldn't just "listen", but since there w/be no action, and my son also said "don't give them the power," I stayed home....

    It WAS the night of the CO, they called the new Bethel Boy elder to "the stand" and with a microphone and a stage he had "the power' to DF whomever he needed to.

    Whew! life goes on.... I danced to "Brave" this morning, with my husband!

    Had a great time!

    Cha Ching!

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