Thinking about meeting with the elders...might record, any tips for hiding a recorder?

by Jon Preston 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    Exactly what "disposable hero of hypocrisy" said.

    Ive done it...just put your phone, keys, wallet down on the table with the cover closed...

    start the recording before you walk in.

    If the memory is clear, you can get hours on an average iphone.


  • talesin

    Well, I guess I am 'invisible',,,,,,,,,,,,, which fits in with my WW persona!

    Yes, DO record it on your phone.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Why agree to ANY "discussion" that the wolves want to have with you? Most here would agree that you are never going to teach THEM anything, so why conform to THEIR procedures? They hate "loose ends", and will either want to bring you back under their control, or boot you out publicly.

    Simply politely decline any "invitations" to have a "chat" with them. Thank them for their concern, and tell them that there are some personal issues you can only talk to Jehovah in prayer about.

    Do as Boyzone sang, "You say it best, when you say nothing at all".

    That will really get right up their noses!!!

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    The idea isnt just to try and reach the elders i guess as much as it is for lurkers who listen and think "hm thats messed up". The way i see it, the more of these out there we find then the less credibl the JC and elders. Also people will see that it IS widescale and not just an isolated event.

  • Pistoff

    Olympus digital recorder, use a lapel mike under the lapel, check the volume levels at home before you go.

    NEVER go into an elders meeting or JC without at least an audio recorder.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Oh, I forgot to say, turn your phone to airplane mode first, then your recording won't be interrupted by Facebook alerts or other bleeps and squawks . .

    Thanks talesin :-P

    And especially thanks to searcher, now ive got flamin BOYZONE in my head... talk about bleeps and squawks... :-[


    SPYING 101

    For those who have never participated in covert operations the idea of spying may be somewhat intimidating. That need not be the case. When done properly, gathering information can be liberating and thrilling. There are few feelings that rival the warm fuzzies that result from a successful mission. The equipment needed is abundant and relatively inexpensive. Simply get on ebay and by a decent digital audio recorder. I have seen good ones for as little as $30. Make sure it has an external microphone jack. A " hold " or locking setting is a plus. This will ensure that no buttons can accidentaly ruin your information gathering. External microphones are also easy to come by. If you are on a budget check Pawn shops! For a measley dollar or two you can purchase a computer microphone. Then simply smash the casing, remove the wiring with the conveniently " button sized " microphone. For those in a hurry, just tape the recorder to you leg, or tuck it into a deep pocket that cannot be easily seen. Then run the wire up through your shirt, and push the microphone through your button hole. Your tie will cover it. Don't move around too much during the meeting and the sound quality will be fine, provided you stay within a 5' radius of your targets. If you have more time and are creative, then the sky is the limit. Drill out a cuff-link, hot glue the microphone, or wear a shirt with black buttons, remove the foam cover from the microphone and " button " it. There are many possibilities. Experiment NOW for a smooth mission later. Bleed on the training floor and laugh on the battleground!! LOL!!!

    If time is not an issue than Audio/video is the way to go. I recommend good quality spy watches. It is easy, no one suspects a thing, except another spy. One other route really pays off, but is risky. If you have access to the " meeting location " prior to the actual event, a bug is your best bet. If you have access to the site during the week for cleaning or maintenance, planting a bug is a simple matter. Retrieving it requires patience as this is where you are more than likely to get caught. Patience is key! If you lose your cool and imagine people snooping around looking for your bug then the urge to retrieve it prematurely will get you caught. Just be cool, and wait it out. If you have a good budget, buy a bug that will send you the information wirelessly. Then whenever you park your car at the location of your choice, fire up the laptop! Your little electronic friend will automatically send you all the info you need while you sit quitely, listening to the latest KM presentation or Local needs on masturbation and contributions. Of course, at some point you must change the battery, again be patient as you will be vunerable to discovery. Most of all have fun!

    Mental preparation:

    Not to be overlooked is preparing mentally for any covert operation. Become familiar with you target area, as well as with your equipment. Practice, practice, practice. Wear your gear when going out with friends, or to the store. This way you will know what does and does not work. Is the microphone covered up too much? Is my camera adjusted properly? Is my recorder secured? A field test is key. Your planned operation SHOULD NOT BE YOUR FIELD TEST. That is the last place you want to discover that you did not account for something, like a dead battery, or a shiny camera lense. ( just ask Raypublisher, he was a little rushed) You are going to be nervous as it is, your equipment cannot be a source of doubt.

    Also, even though it sounds silly, watch spy movies, or read spy books. Mentally dwelling on these subjects will, in my opinion, ready your sub-conscious for action. If you want to be sneaky, then eat, dream, and breathe sneakyness.. Those are my 2 cents worth of advice for the novice. Nothing feels quite so good as knowing you are preying on the predators! Stick it to the man! Oh, If you have friends on your side whom you can trust, especially in the I.T or electronics business, ask for help! Everyone loves a good clean covert operation. Years later, drinking beers together, you will remember the day you played the players!

    DD [ This was an older comment, but it may help. I recorded my meetings.]

  • RayPublisher

    I'm loving this thread... :)

    BTW Jon you have a PM!

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    good tips everyone! Thank you. I need to start preparing questions for this so i can get my head together. Ill work on that today i guess

  • BU2B

    Good luck! Thank you for doing this, it must be so nervewracking.. Do you need help coming up with good questions? I am. I have thought of a few topics though. If you keep saying you have questions and never DIRECTLY say you dont believe, you can dance around for a while. Dont let them back you into a corner.. If you say you do not believe the GB is the channel too soon, they may end the meeting because they have all the ammo they need to DF you.

    The day will come when I am outed to the elders. I am seriously considering recording my meeting as well. I am in the process of organizing some ideas. Maybe you could try printing out some key hypocritical quotes and other relevant WT quotes old and new.. I am going to read an exerpt from that 69'awake about the system ending in a few years and how you will never fulfill any career in this system.

    I will PM you some of my incomplete thoughts..

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