WTBT$ will no longer support Elder's legally....

by Newly Enlightened 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    We received an email and are wondering if anyone can verify this little tidbit of news. Does anyone know if this is true or not?

    Maybe any Elder's on here?

  • Watchtower-Free

    All I know so far is its being discussed at this link . No verification yet


    But the Watchtower can communicate their message to Elders in a untraceable way by instructing the Circuit overseers
    to tell the elders verbally .It will be interesting to see if other elders confirm this.

  • baltar447

    I hope this cause a mass exodus of elders. But no, so far hasn't been verified but also read it on Facebook.

  • manda63

    Elders could face personel criminal damages against themselves for not reporting sex abuse to he police or in such events as stonewalling the police when investigated. Alot of questions need to be asked should they follow the law of the land or protect the good name of the Church thus facing posible prosecution without expensive legal team.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This would be very interesting. They stopped supporting JW's who go onto property with no trespassing signs back I believe in the early 90's. I know where I live JW's never respected the no trespassing signs and a car group from the hall the next town over went into this guys yard, we lived in the country. The rumor was that the householder locked the gate behind them, called the police and all the JW's in the car had to pay for violating the sign.

    I tried to get the rumor confirmed but no one would verify it, though after that NO ONE in my hall ever went into a no trespassing home after that.

    I can so easily see this as being true.


  • Pubsinger

    Typical WT

    Don't support it's elders if they get caught following WT policy, disfellowship them if they don't.

  • Splash

    In business you would only give authority and responsibility to those who merited it through experience and demonstrated capabilities.

    Elders are given authority and responsibility on the basis they merely turn up for the meetings regularly with a multicoloured underlined magazine, and do 10 hours ministry per month. Most don't know how to follow instructions and have no common sense whatsoever, thinking their juvenile decisions are beyond reproach.

    I can see some now, on the platform condemning homosexuality in such a way as to be guilty of hate crime, or making ridiculous decisions that impact peoples lives. It's only a matter of time before it all blows up again.

    No wonder the elders are causing the WT so many problems that they want to drop all liability for them.


  • Phizzy

    I bet this is never found in print, but it has been well known for years that they will only get involved if the WT is named in a Lawsuit.

    What happened was, when the poor Elder 'phoned Bethel, and told them he and his two cronies on the J.C were about to be sued, he was told they were on their own, never in writing though.

    Any single Elder being sued for non-reporting of a crime etc would be told the same "You're on your own Bud".

  • Watchtower-Free

    Just posted to Facebook By :Brandon Joel,

    I have spoken with two active Elders. On a circuit level there was a meeting several weeks ago primarily dealing with sex abuse issues. The majority of the time was spent "training" how to communicate with those alleging abuse and those accused of abuse. The only information about legalities they eluded to is that it was stressed repeatedly that the Elders must follow instructions on abuse issues to the letter or it would open up litigious action and WT would not be responsible for lawsuits brought forward specifically because Elders did not follow directions. I don't know if this is the same information George heard or if it is similar but one thing is certain, many Elders are nervous and feeling exposed. Their general consensus is that they will shy away from committees dealing with the issues out of fear of legal repercussions.
    I get the impression this is just fear tactics by the GB to control rogue Elders that may be inclined to call local authorities when they learn of child abuse.

    Of course the standard warning is given to the Elders, "do not share this information with anyone" The majority will tow the party line and feign ignorance but there are more and more that are having a crisis and sympathize with the abuse they have seen and are willing to get the information out there. I'm sure we will discover what we need to know.


  • Heartofaboy

    The Watchtower will always choose to protect its financial assets rather than the stooges it scares into doing its bidding.

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