Heard a rumor: Guy Pierce died this morning

by respectful_observer 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    no tears from me, a hate speech spewing megalomaniac, with blood on his hands should be in one place , an open hole in the ground for people to spit into.


    Good grief, you're usually pretty amusing Outlaw but sorry sometimes you're just a d**k.....yadda yadda 2

    Guy Pierce was one of the WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes..

    He Could have Made a Difference..

    He had the Power to Make a Stand and Do the Right Thing..

    He Didn`t..

    JWs Suffered...JWs Died.....JW Children Suffered...JW Children Died..


    .....WBT$ Doctrines Killed..........WBT$..........WBT$ GB Pope "Guy Pierce" ..

    .......These JW Children...........O................"ENFORCED" WBT$ DOCTRINES...


    .............................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • jookbeard

    yadda yadda 2 I'm a million percent with Outlaw, Pierce spent a life time being the "dick"

  • designs

    What was the cause of death.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    A severe stroke I was told.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Has WikiPedia been re-edited to eliminate the intimation of his "alleged"death?????? I don't see it on my screen!

  • KateWild

    It seems as if most of them are on their way out, but anyone who replaces Guy Pierce or any others will just end up corrupt. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    There are many in WT who want to keep the GB going so I think replacements will be made when each one dies off, as for them being anointed and a reasonable age to take over responsibilities is another matter. It all wreaks of corruption.

    Will Pierce's widow get to live in the posh new Wallkill complex when it's complete or will she be kicked to the kirb?

    Kate xx

  • designs

    KW- good question, what happens to the widows.

  • Splash

    I hope they bring in another youngster like Mark Sanderson.

    When the young ones outnumber the old ones, that will really mix things up.
    You know how it is with BoE's when you have a couple of consipiring young elders who get their heads together to shake things up.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    @designs: "What was the cause of death."

    Obviously he was born in the wrong generation. It's just bad luck to not be born in the "overlapping" generation.


    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all of the things foretold will occur, including the great tribulation"_____Reasoning Book page 97


    OOPS...there goes another WT Theory.....

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