Will JW increase continue?

by dmouse 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Personally I do think this scandel on the Catholic church will give an increase to the Borg.I know when I was knocking on doors -thats the ones I hooked- those who were disappointed with what was going on in their church-
    also Marilyn at 1-800-Why-1914 said after sept 11 a lot called her to say they were going back in the Borg...

  • Yerusalyim

    We're really not seeing a significant increase in attedance INSPITE OF 9-11. That's just the facts. With less than a 2% increase in the US no real growth can be claimed, that means not everyone born in is staying in much less attracking new members.

    I'm thinking the year 2014 will see the most significant fall off in membership. By then, one way or another, the 1914 date loses signifigance.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Simon

    who know ... maybe it will. Remember, like the poor, the 'dumb' will always be with us ...

    They may get increase but as we are seeing, it will be less and less 'educated' people and more and more people from recovering countries.

    At some point, this means the funds will dry up and they will be unable to pay for their advertising campaign to keep the growth going.

  • LizardSnot

    Dumbasses beware....the JW's want you to help them increase there numbers!


  • jerome

    If the JW membership increase ----> This proves God is guiding them.

    If the JW membership decrease ----> This proves God is guiding them.

    These are two completly opposing senarios but yet they prove the same thing.

    A more sensible seems would seem to be like

    If the JW membership increase ----> This proves that God is guiding them.

    If the JW membership decrease ----> This proves God is NOT guiding them.

    This appears to be a logical fallicy on their part.

    Does anyone have the particular name for this fallicy in which two opposite senarios prove the samething there by causing the result to be maningless?


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.

  • Beans

    The only true increase is the number of people leaving!


  • Pathofthorns
    Does anyone have the particular name for this fallicy in which two opposite senarios prove the samething there by causing the result to be maningless?

    I think that one is called the "f@#$ you... we are always right even when we are wrong" argument.


  • Sunspot

    "You have to understand their logic:

    If the JW's are increasing, then God is blessing their work.

    If the JW's are decreasing, then God is testing and sifting his people.

    If the churches are increasing, then Satan is busy deceiving people, and

    If the churches are decreasing, the 'waters of the Euphrates' are drying up.

    So, no matter what happens, it proves that the JW's have the truth and that the churches are false!!"

    Neon....You beat me to it! I've said pretty much the same thing for quite a while now. They've cleverly "got it covered" no matter WHAT the case or situation, huh?

    Needless to say, it drives me nuts, cuz they are able to perpetuate the myth that they've got that "pipeline to Jehovah's thoughts" thing going for them---the LIARS!!!




    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Upstate NY Division

    Elders treat the sheep like mushrooms--keep them in the dark and feed them manure!

  • jerome

    I have to correct you there.

    You cannot understand witness logic, you can only prove it to be incorrect.


  • Quotes

    dmouse, thanks for the post. I have added it to the Quotes website, under the title "Growth".


    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

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