2014 District Convention Key Talks

by EndofMysteries 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sseveninches

    "Jehovah's Organization - 100 years of Seeking First God's Established Kingdom"

    I smell a new DVD here.

  • paladin

    I may have to take up heavy drinking during and after ass-embly to help numb my brain. I am stuck in due to family obligations and to prevent financial loss. I am still hoping that something will click in my wife's head and wake her up. I hate this high control cult.

  • BU2B

    What Paladin said.

  • Pistoff

    "Jehovah's Organization - 100 years of Seeking First God's Established Kingdom"


    100 years of expecting the end to be a few months or a few years away, only to be disappointed every time.

  • nonjwspouse

    I am so hoping someone will wear a recorder and record this concention and post it online. Knowladge is power.

  • sparrowdown

    I would rather listen to a recording of what the delegates are really thinking during these talks.

    Would probably go something like

    " I wish lunchtime would hurry up">

    "I wish the kid behind me would stop kicking my seat".

    "Make it stooooooop". (followed by internal sobbing)

  • frankiespeakin

    Can these old geezer on the Governing Body be any more zanier? Wow what a convention in spiritual paradise. These guys on the GB have lost touch with reality for sure.

    All Hail The Watchtower Corporation put it first and health second, and fuck you to all the Circut and District Overseer's over 70 years old! What a bunch of sadistic idiots they have become,

  • sparrowdown

    frankiespeakin-Zanier you ask? hell yeah!

    The invitations would read

    You've heard of the Three stooges well.........

    Now Showing the Eight Governing Boobs

    Y ou'll laugh, you'll cry, you"ll hurl your bible on the loor laughing.

  • TheOldHippie

    I do not quite know if you are being sarcastic, or if you are misunderstanding the JW "words", but this part of your comment is not QUITE what the talks are about, is it?

    "10:20 Symposium: Who WILL inherit God's Kingdom? Those who are poor (aka those who don't plan for retirement, don't get higher education, who give all their money to the GB so they can travel 1st class and enjoy life as the R@F do all the work)"

    Poor here refers to those who are aware of their spiritual needs and do their best to obtain knowledge.

    "Those who become as young children (aka those who reject education, who don't think critically, and accept without question all utterances from the GB)"

    Refers to there being no rivalry etc among them.

    "3:00 Enter the Kingdom Maimed, Lame, or One-Eyed (aka damage control for end not coming and living in poverty and unable to take care of health needs, and encouragement to reject taking care of health needs and finances to further worship the GB first)"

    Refers to turning away from or distancing oneself from what might ruin one's spirituality, such as materialism, pornography, alcoholism etc.


    As I said, either you are being - successfully - sarcastic, or you are not too familiar with JW words.

  • WTWizard

    I do not recommend heavy drinking before this--simply because your subconscious will still take in the information and program fate to damn your soul. Rather, pay attention to where they are trying to program your soul to accept poverty, celibacy, stagnation, sickness, and not having any time or fun. You might make a game of counting how many times they insinuate that such is a virtue or bash normal activity. This will serve to at least alert you to such programming and allow you a chance to fight it. I recommend this trick if you are taking notes, recording the program, or are forced to attend. This one goes beyond the usual waste of time into an active damnation working for everyone in attendance.

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