As a JW, What statements made you "stop thinking?"

by Faithful Witness 19 Replies latest jw experiences


    Nothing stopped me from reasoning. That's why I am here.

    Jws have to be discontent or experience injustice and be ready for truth. The biggest obstacle is the GB/channel myth. There is no reasoning against it. A JW in a corner will say, "They are the channel God is using.", over and over like a mantra. Jws can't argue against facts. In the end, they MUST resort to hiding behind "The Channel."

    Think about it. Why do JWs get DF'd?? Is it for saying the WT was an NGO? Is it for talking about the Conti case and the pedophile problems? Is it for showing someone the OSCE website and the EAJCW?? Is it for saying that the WT magazine has printed countless errors and some JWs died? Nope. I know people who made pornos with other JWs. Think about pedos who can be Elders if the sin was "in the past." No sin is to great, save one.

    You may piss someone off for citing the facts, but that's not why you get DF'd. You will be DF'd for disrespecting "The Channel." That's it. That's why that teaching exists and it's why the GB are being pushed into the spotlight. As information spreads about the WTBTS's corruption, loyalty to "The Channel" will be all that matters. What do the Elders use as their secret weapon? It's one question, and we all know it.


  • JustVisting

    I must say that it was the sum total of all the above; however, the capstone has to be the following:

    "Why bother with researching yourself when the Society has capable brothers assigned to do that for you." In other words, let us do all the heavy lifting, you just sit back, don't worry yourself, besides you will just confuse yourself, etc., etc...

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Teach them early and remind them often, not to trust themselves, or to "lean on your own understanding."

    As my father repeated to me three times in a recent conversation, "They are smarter than me!"

    When we were Bible students, they would encourage us to "do your own research! I did!" The problem with that idea, is that you are only really allowed to look at WTS literature. If you find anything that is not agreement, it is discarded as a lie from Satan's system.

    "Keep a waiting attitude."

    "We are the only ones following Christ's commands."

  • ABibleStudent

    DATA-DOG - "They are the channel God is using."

    JustVisting - "Why bother with researching yourself when the Society has capable brothers assigned to do that for you."

    How would JWs react to a person saying the following to overcome the above platitudes:

    (Must say in an innocent and inquirying tone of voice)

    "How do I respond to Christians, who say, "How can JWs follow God's Greatest Commandment to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’? If the Watchtower requires JWs to blindly follow the Watchtower’s leaders, how are JWs able to follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ when it differs from the Watchtower teachings to fulfill God’s Greatest Commandment?”

    (Pause for JWs to respond)

    “Please help me to find Scriptures where Jesus Christ condones shunning and not associating with non-believers. I need scriptures to counter what is written in Mt 15:21-28, Mt 22:37-40, John 6:60-70 to prove to Christians that the Watchtower does have the “Truth” and does follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. How can I save other people, when they say that JWs are like the Jews in Mt 15:1-20, who do not use their minds, do not follow the Holy Spirit that God gave each of us, and instead blindly follow blind guides?”

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • BU2B

    Spiritually strong=Strongly indoctrinated

    Spiritually weak=thinking for yourself/using your mind to think instead of relying on what is printed in WT publications

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "As information spreads about the WTBTS's corruption, loyalty to 'The Channel' will be all that matters."

    Sums it up.

    Sounds like the kind of sentiment you'd observe in a crumbling dictatorship...

    "As information spreads about the State's corruption, loyalty to The Party will be all that matters."

  • OnTheWayOut

    "Beware of independent thinking."

  • jam

    Satan and his demons can not understand the

    things written in the bible. WTH they can't read, so

    they are illiterate fallen angeles. So they are roving about,

    can't read or understand the bible, Sunday mornings and the

    TV evangelist they don't understand what they are saying and

    they don't listen to the radio. They are spiritually blind and deaf.

    Hell they are damn near dead if you ask me. We have braille today,

    are they brainless too. How in the hell are they misleading folks

    today. I feel sorry for those guys.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Vidiot: I am also unable to stop thinking. My independent thinking kept me from "progressing" with the JW's, and ultimately my mind rescued me from the grips of their control.

    Like I tried to explain to my JW father and sister (when asked):

    Do you agree that joining a different religion, especially one such as the JW's, is a very serious commitment? Your life could depend on it! ("Yes, it does!")

    Here is another analogy. If you were going to change employers, and go to work for another company, that would also have a big impact on your life. (He is a salesman). If a new company came to you, and wanted you to leave your old boss and commit to working for them, you would be smart to do some research about that company. ("Of course.") You would want to know about how the company started, what business they have conducted in the past, and maybe talk to some past customers. People who have dealt with this company before, can give you a lot of insight into how they do business, and help you to decide if you want to uproot your career and go start selling their products.

    We did take a serious look at the JW religion, and we thought about joining. We listened to them for a long time, and "did our own research," as they suggested. When we discovered questionable things about their origins and history, they refused to answer our concerns. This was a huge red flag. (Here, my sister piped in with, "Do you mean 1975?"... to which I replied, "There were the false prophecies and some pretty serious scandals that you have probably never heard about.")

    At this point, when they were both shifting in their seats (and it was just starting to get good... haha), our conversation was interrupted by other family members walking in the door. My JW sister quickly left with her children. I can't be 100% sure, but I'm going to assume that this was one of those "encounters" that affected her emotions, and convinced her to go further with her avoidance of me.

    Not only do you have to stop thinking, but you are not allowed to talk to people who think, and "Know too much." The seeds I have planted, could germinate some day... although her mind is pretty barren right now.

    I'm pretty sure that I make her doubt, and she does not feel equipped to think for herself. Even before the JW's took over her mind, she struggled with making her own decisions. I think she finds a lot of comfort in being "led" by the society.

    She has not used the term "apostate" to describe me to my face, but that is most likely her opinion... "Smart big sister is a hungry wolf in sheep's clothing!"

    I have a big concern about the definition of "apostate information." Does that only apply to someone who "knows" about Jehovah's organization, or would news reports or even Bible verses that contradict the Watchtower be apostate information? Old (and current) publications can also be considered apostate, if you are not obedient in your interpretation of them. Any independent thought is apostate.

    Why did Jehovah give us "free will?"

  • LisaRose

    Where else could you go (because we will take away all your family and friends)?

    Who taught you the truth about the trinity and hell fire (and wrongly predicted the end numerous times)?

    We are imperfect like everyone else (but if you don't follow us you will die).

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