An experience at Bethel

by joe134cd 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • paulmolark

    Exactly stuckinarut2, everything that involved donating things anywhere was always related to Christendom. It was the same thing with office furniture, car parts, etc... I would take some of the real nice clothes and when I went home during my one weekend a month "my family lived in NJ" I would give some of the suits and clothes to local friends in the congregation. I even gave some to my congregation in NY because those people were dirt poor.

    All the while nearly every brother at Bethel who had a name or was a "heavy" rolled around in YSL and Hugo Boss suits LOL

  • stuckinarut2

    Random comment...but sort of related:

    Bethel makes the best Apostates!

    So many of us here on the forum were in a Bethel of some sort around the world.....

  • _Morpheus
    Stuckinarut- i have said multiple times that bethel has made more apostates than anyone else
  • SoCal101
    "Here at Bethel we use nothing but the best for our brothers and sisters! As a matter of fact, our premium soap has loofa fibers already infused into the soap!"
  • Splash
    SoCal101 "Here at Bethel we use nothing but the best for our brothers and sisters! As a matter of fact, our premium soap has loofa fibers already infused into the soap!"

    It's not the loofa fibres that turn my stomach, it's the 'other' fibres.
    Imagine being blonde but finding a dark hair in your soap.


  • paulmolark

    SoCal nothing was more fun then sitting on a bench next to my Johnny mop and mop bucket picking pubic hairs from small bars of generic soap.

    However for the first three months I told everyone back home about how great it was... Until the newness wore off and I realized how fucking disgusting it was

    lets also not forget the best assignment of all. Every month it would rotate as to who would be on clog duty. For some reason the old people in the 25-30 building would consistently clog toilets or miss and for a full month one brother was in charge of handling all the ones that occurred

  • _Morpheus
    I think so Cal is talking about the same fibers as you ;)
  • Splash

    Ah. I've lived a sheltered life

  • Truthexplorer
    that condom tale had me in stitches

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