JC is not Christian, nor a replica of what is in Heavens!

by exWTslave 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Though Judicial Committee arrangement is found in Mathew 18:15-20, this seems to be a later apostate interpolation! (Acts 20:28-30):

    1) Jesus would not speak of such a heartless arrangement whereby a person who does not listen to the Church is finally disfellowshipped, because it is in sharp contrast to what he was saying in Mathew 18:14 and Mathew 18:21-35; 1 Peter 2:22; contrast also Mathew 5:3, 40, 41; 16:24.

    2) Jesus would not have told “his disciples” (Mathew 18:1) to take things to “the CHURCH” (presently more than 40,000 in numbers) which obviously did not exist then. (Mathew 18:17)

    3) Jesus would not have spoken of “tax collectors and Gentiles” as irreclaimable outsiders (Mathew 18:17) in contrast to his often repeated policy of compassion and friendship towards them. (Mathew 9:10; 11:19; Luke 1810-14)

    4) And if at all Jesus did say what is in Mathew 18:-15-20, then it would only mean that the disfellowshipped ones ‘would enter the kingdom of God ahead of’ the fellowshipped ones (Mathew 21:31), just the opposite of what interpolators wanted to convey.

    5) No wonder James, while handling more serious problems among the brothers, shows no knowledge of what Jesus supposedly said in Mathew 18:15-20! (James 3:14-4:17)

    Hence, the whole thrust of the interpolated passage seems to project the Church as having power to RETAIN and to FORGIVE sins. (Mathew 18:18) How blind the JWs must be to copy this arrangement from apostates as one of their pillars and chief weapon! Interestingly, Judicial Committee arrangement, as practiced among JWs, is in sharp contrast to what is being practiced in the heavens. People who have undergone Past Regression Therapy* have given extensive details about the lives in between their earthly lives, which shed light ALSO on Council of Master (highly evolved) Souls or ELDERS in Heaven. This is the gist:

    When someone dies, his “the spirit returns” to the Spirit World (Ecclesiastes 12:7), where he is warmly received by all his (available) beloved ones and friends who died before him. Then he is taken to the House of Healing, where he is rejuvenated. He is given enough time (often more than his earthly life-span) to review his life he just concluded on earth. Once he has all the details about himself and all others involved in his life on earth directly or indirectly, he comes to a conclusion about the way he lived his life on earth. Then he is taken to a Council of Master Souls comprising of six or more. Here the soul’s previous life is reviewed collectively. The Master Souls are in NO WAY CONDEMNATORY or JUDGMENTAL, but extremely loving and compassionate helpers who have lived many lives on this earth, hence very well-experienced. The soul himself makes the judgment on his living and places the solution before the Council. If the solution is viewed best by the Council, they would say ok; or else they may suggest many other options which are put before the soul with no compulsion at all. Soul chooses the next environment, friends, relatives, parents and even a new body (sometimes a crippled body, if need be, to work out some special Karmic debt of previous birth). After taking rebirth on earth, some may forget their purpose, and return to the Council only to repeat the whole process again and again. Others may steadily progress, and go to higher Levels ….. which look almost infinite in numbers … and finally reach where God Himself resides after billions and billions …. of years.

    Hence earthly life is like a school, where one is supposed to gain a minimum qualification. Council of Master Souls examines impartially whether one has lived up to HIS NATURE (not whether one has obeyed certain laws or lived up to certain belief system ). What is man’s nature? Humans APPRECIATE being loved and ABHOR being harmed. Hence man nature is to love and to refrain from doing harm, like the fire whose nature is to give light and heat. One has to return to earth till he is willing to behave according to his very nature, which is a quite natural thing to do.

    [Council compassionately deals even with those difficult souls who are mistakenly called demons or ghosts. These are actually souls that may develop some extreme habits, rather than living with a guest-attitude considering themselves as “temporary residents” while on earth, wanting to ‘return to their original home, a better place,’ thus viewing the world as a drama-stage. (Hebrews 11:13-16, Philippians 3:20; 1 Corinthians 7:31; and 1 John 2:17). Such extreme souls may STUBBORNLY refuse to go forward, but may prefer to TEMPORARILY linger around in pursuit of their unfulfilled desires—helpful/harmful. They get attracted to only people of their sort. They all are allowed to use their free-will and are taken first to the Rehabilitation Process once they are convinced of the folly of their life-style, and then to the Council for collective review.]



    Though many (Dr. Michael Newton, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. William Roll, Dr. Ken Ring, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Melvin Morse, Dr. Raymond A Moody …..) have published case-histories of their clients, Michael Newton’s books are exceptional—especially his “DESTINY OF SOULS” in which he presents case-histories of his clients in an orderly, subject-wise manner which suggests the existence of a perfect system of things in the invisible heavens.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Actually there is no judicial committee arrangement mentioned at Matthew 18:15-20. There is only mention of a sinner being confronted first by the one he wronged, then by that one and one or two others, then finally by the congregation. There is no mention of a secret judicial committee.

    You would find this article (entitled "Be Modest in Walking with God") on the subject of dealing with sinners in the congregation quite interesting. It examines the pertinent scriptures on dealing with sinners and contrasts it with the man-made, unscriptural judicial system of JWs.

  • exWTslave

    Island Man

    "If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be [e] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be [f] loosed in heaven." (Mathew 18:17, 18)

    This is the basis (directly attributed to Jesus) for disfellowshipping. This is morethan enough; I can quote from "Pay Attention to your Flock" book, but I don't want to violate copy rights!

  • kneehighmiah


    Do we completely shun people of the world? or tax collectors? No. The point jesus was making is that we wouldn't be intimately assocaited with an unrepentant person. Do you like being friends with theives and liars? No. So obviously you wouldn't continue being buddies with such a person.

  • Laika

    ExWTslave, are you a member of the brahma kumaris? You remind me of Abiather except you write better English.

    Watchtower uses 1 corinthians 5 for disfellowshipping as well.

  • designs

    exWT- What do you think of Jesus statement to his followers that if they 'forgive someone their sins they are forgiven and if they do not forgive they remain in their sins'.

  • Fernando

    "Judicial Committee arrangement is found in Matthew 18:15-20"

    That is not what I get from reading this passage...

  • exWTslave


    But the point Jesus made with his life is that he INTIMATELY ASSOCIATED WITH TAX COLLECTORS AND SINNERS. That is why the title—JC is not Christian. If one is unrepentant, let him be. He will change when he realizes that his unrepentant attitude does not help him, it is against his very nature (love and refraining from harming). In other words, unrepentant ones are ignorant in the sense that they think that there is nothing better than their present course—but we know that this attitude WILL change when he comes in contact with the TRUTH! That is why Jesus prayed: “Forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.”

    Another person’s attitude need not determine our nature. We have to maintain our nature no matter what the other person does. Jesus knew his friend Lazarus was epitome of ingratitude (because, he did not thank Jesus by giving him a defense when he was falsely tried by the political and religious establishment of his time, nor did he preach in favor of Jesus, like apostle Paul, following Jesus’s resurrection), yet Jesus did greatest favor to him resurrecting him 4 days after his death.

    All these suggest that you be what you are—love and hatred of harming others—regardless of what others choose to do!

  • exWTslave


    There may be other scriptures like 1 Corinthians 5:11 that imply JC and its ensuing result of disfellowshipping. My point is not about whether disfellowshipping is scriptural or not, or how wide spread this concept in the Bible. But as my title indicates, my point is that the arrangement is not from Christ nor from a LOVING God, but from later theological/apostate development!

    You rightly suspected me of having link with something superlative! Yes, it is with Dr. Michael Newton who had a glimpse into the spirit worlds and the perfect system of things existing there! This is how my contact occurred:

    I was friendly with that young elder (who gave that “Best Public Talk I Have Ever Heard”) and asked him how he could have made such a great leap from JW teaching. He gifted me a book entitled: DESTINY OF SOULS written by Dr. Michael Newton, and said this would answer your question, and “I feel all religions, including JWs, are like jokers on the world scene when we know the truth about the spirit worlds and God.” (He originally received it from his atheist father, who turned a believer of God after reading it). I accepted the book as he was no non-sense taker! He was a very tough elder in the Elders Meeting, feared and secretly respected by all elders. I completed reading the book in three days—in fact I did not keep the book down. I have never read such a fascinating book in my whole life, giving eye-witness account of what lies after our death! I gave the book to my wife. She took vacation from her office and completed reading it in a week, and had this to say to me: “No one can give me a better gift than this!” This response is unusual of my wife, as her habit WAS to speak negatively about anything and everything!

    No one could have simply guessed the truth found in that book, nor invented it—it is simply beyond human thinking! The truth in the book was so powerful that it made both—me and my wife—put away our greatest weaknesses immediately. I threw my quick-temper; she threw her nagging! We learned spirituality means discerning each other’s needs and caring for them! I read all of Newton’s books in last two years, and also some other books written by other Past Regression Therapists.

    I started posting articles from February 14, 2014, and was using ideas from those books that contained eye-witness account of the spirit worlds and God’s perfect system of things existing there! When you thus saw superlative wisdom, you say it reminded you about Brahmakumaris. It means that organization is somehow linked to superlative wisdom, hence worthy of examining! Past Regression Therapists are just professionals spread throughout the world, they are not organized. Hence it is good to know an organization living by superlative wisdom. So, I will soon plan to get to know the Brahmakumaris organization, taking enough time!

    Yet, once beaten, twice shy! I have the bitter lesson from JWs. Hence, I will use a different approach—I will get involved with Brahmakumaris organisation very deeply, yet without getting my heart involved. Because first I want to know about this organization in and out, thus TO KNOW THEM AS THEY ARE, and then I will post a one-page report on them in this site AFTER ONE YEAR—may be sometime in April 2015.

  • exWTslave


    What Jesus DID say was this: “For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” (Mathew 16:27) Hence he would not have said: "If you forgive other's sins, God will forgive yours too." Bible repeatedly says EACH ONE is responsible for his sin, not connected with your response to other's sin!--Romans 14:12; Revelation 22:12.

    Lord’s prayer too is from apostates, not from Christ, who said: “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him,” making prayer unnecessary. (Mathew 6:8, 33) Lord’s prayer actually insults God:

    1) “hallowed be your name” (His name is always holy, can never be reproached)

    2) “Give us today our daily bread” (God has already made provision for food for ETERNITY)

    3) “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (asking God to take lesson from humans)

    4) “lead us not into temptation” (“no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone”—James 1:14)

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