The Best Public Talk I Ever Heard (though the speaker was disfellowshipped thereafter)

by exWTslave 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    I am sorry for the late reply (I was bit busy)


    They did not try and stop him or get him off the stage or unplug the mike? They let him continue. In the meantime BOE had decided that their representative would make an announcement after the talk. Coordinator made an announcement that the talk was not delivered properly, hence "we request you to listen to the same subject next Sunday, which will be delivered by another elder."

  • SecretHeart11

    ExWTSlave, thanks for the reply! I would have loved to see all the faces of the elder body in that hall. I'm sure there was lots of frantic whispering. Lol.

  • exWTslave

    LisaRose & Julia Orwell

    I can give you some details about him. He was a RP, MTS Graduate and Elder, around 30, having a highly educated wife. He was inspired to be “an apostate” by the organization itself. All it has to do with his wife’s desire to do Regular Pioneering. She gave the RP Application Form one month before the CO’s scheduled visit. When she wanted to attend the CO’s Meeting with the RPs, some of the Elders (out of envy) objected saying that RP Appoint has not come from the Branch, hence she cannot attend the CO meeting with RPs. Matter was referred to the CO, who could not decide on the matter—he did not want to displease a fraction of the elders, hence referred to the Branch. Even Branch, sensing a prestige issue between CO and half of the Elders, threw the ball back to the body of elders, asking both Elders and CO to find an amicable settlement of the issue (as this is like such a huge, complicated issue of Israel-Palestine), rather than taking a decision. Result was that she was not allowed to participate in the CO meeting with the RPs.

    This whole episode made the elder and wife view the leadership as worse than those who tried to find fault with Jesus whose disciples plucking the grains on Sabbath. From that day, we, the elders, began to notice some changes taking place in him and in his wife. It seems he resolved in his mind to come off with bang!

  • exWTslave


    I know one Bethel Elder from the Branch did something similar in 2005 DC. He gave, in his Baptism Talk, one mild advice which is not in the Bible, but which could be discerned from the Bible. It cost him his Bethel Eldership. But God responded very heavily, He saw that all Bethel Elders around the world were sacked (GB cancelled the arrangement called Bethel Eldership)

  • exWTslave


    I have no connection with the Website When I copied the link, BY MISTAKE, I copied from the last page I was in. I actually wanted to give reference to their introduction page where the link between stress and disease is extensively dealt with.

    This is what I found there: “Your body is designed to heal itself naturally and then keep you healthy—IF you know how to do it.”

    Now I will paraphrase for what I wanted to convey:

    We are frequencies experiencing a world that appears solid. Now, even though most of us can hear, "Everything is frequency", most of us have a very difficult time wrapping our mind around that view of the universe. Think about it. If you flip a light switch, you make light. If you stub your toe, you make pain. You experience these events more easily than you understand the direct science behind them, right?

    It's simple however, to translate those experiences into how your body has the ability to heal itself naturally. The fact that we sense things is our first key. The world is not solid. It is governed by electricity and frequencies. Among these is stress. Stress has a negative impact on our body. Stress Activates Germs, Viruses and Defective Genetic Patterns.

    What does stress do to your body? Stress suppresses your body's natural ability to heal. When you are under too much stress, you get a cold when others didn't. Stress slows or stops the healing process. That's how an important concept arose in the field of natural medicine.

    The Key to the Success for any Disease is Stress.

    Stress Strengthens Germs, Viruses & Bacteria.

    Without Stress, any ailment is missing a key catalyst required to overwhelm your immune system.

    Sickness needs Stress.

    With Stress, every disease and disorder on the planet is just waiting its turn in line to make you sick, tired, unhappy and old before your time. They have their "stress-created" ticket. And several may get on board at one time.If you can conquer stress, your immune system can overcome almost anything.

    Here is a little secret you may not know, and a great tool for combating stress:

    You were born with the greatest Healing Tool on the planet.

    Not all of the money of all the drug pushing pharmaceutical cartels can duplicate the performance of the Healing System you were born with.

    Stress is the source of disease, depression and unhappiness!

    According to the Center for Disease Control In Atlanta, Stress Causes Over 80 Percent Of All Disease!

    Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist, suggests stress is the source for over 95 percent of all disease related ailments. So it makes sense if you want to improve your life, your one focus should be:


    The Healing Codes is one of many tools, you can use from the comfort of your bed, to flip the switch that alters your stress frequencies. But this may cost you a bit.

    However, MORE EFFECTIVE METHOD is meditation (which cost you nothing) coupled with a carefree life style--with a guest attitude!

  • villagegirl

    Great story, but because you inserted this "Healing Code" link I see alterior motives.

    This is a scam (

    I have seem many witnesses die because they believed in magical solutions for their

    health and this site wants you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • exWTslave

    Is it? I am sorry for that. I was looking for a glaring connection between STRESS and SICKNESS, and my search took me to this site. And I could not remember the reference speaker made during his talk!

  • KW13

    He doesn't post here anymore but LittleToe (a really nice guy) spoke out against the Society from the Platform

    On his website he says "I left the JW's on January 6th 2002 after announcing my Disassociation from the platform, at the end of a Public Talk I was giving. The Society should probably count their blessings, as it had crossed my mind to deliver it during an Assembly item, but that wouldn't have fulfilled my benign objectives"

    Read More and hear the talk! -

  • BluePill2

    I did it on my last Circuit Assembly talks, back in 2005. I was still a Bethelite and was there as the "Branch representative". I only did it in a covert way, but still understandable if you listened (even contradicting the talk given by the Circuit Oversee, who I considered an asshole). I used Bible verses to say exactly the opposite of what the CO said. During the talk I was calm and vigorous (even having to stop myself to become too bold). Then I finished and my knees went weak and I was literally trembling. The DO called me into his office, I thought he would pull the trigger. To my surprise he was all laughs and happiness (had 3 pretty, single sisters there "serving" the Assembly Administration - laughing, talking and serving him Coffees - and god knows what else).

    He said that I was a bit overtime and asked me one or two things about Bethel. He had the outline in front of him, but was clearly NOT paying attention. As I was "prominent" and from the Branch, he might have thought that this was some kind of "advanced light".

    Later during lunch time only ONE ministerial servant approached me (he was new in "the truth" and freshly appointed) and asked me if I was absolutely sure of the points mentioned in the talk, as they seemed to contradict other lines of thought of the assembly. He wasn't even one of these "ubber-witnesses", a pretty relaxed, laid back guy, married with 2 younger sons. Also not the sharpest "Bible scholar" out there. He really surprised me for taking real attention and having the guts to approach me.

    This was ONE GUY out of an attendance of approx. 2.500. It made me wonder if the others where just sleeping or so brainwashed that they would lap everything up that would come from "someone from the Branch" or the GB.

    That was my last time on stage. The following month I left Bethel, the assignment (this was in a foreign country) and gave all my "privileges" up. It was one of the many, many proofs that showed me: no holy spirit around. I could have announced that everybody should strip naked and they would have done so.

  • minimus

    I woulda df'd him too.

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