Once Again: It's Okay for JWs to Rip-Off Non-JWs

by Iown Mylife 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    As a business owner, I learned early on never to hire someone if your rights are forfeit; I saw what happened to those who hired 'brothers' and then got taken, only to be told they could not sue.

    How about this:

    I fired an inlaw who was overbilling me for hours; I contested that she got unemployment, and had the proof that she was using my time and resources for private use, including looking for other jobs, on my time.

    She told the elders I was taking her to court! One of her many lies.

    I learned to never hire a witness for anything; it isn't that they are necessarily worse, but you give up your right to redress, if you sue them you get in trouble with the elders.

    Never hire a witness if you are a witness yourself.

  • LongHairGal

    When I was active in the JW religion, I used to hear them complain that "people in the world always make it a point to show when a Witness is dishonest but they never bring it out when it is a Catholic, Protestant, etc.".

    Well, now I would have an answer if a JW said this to me:.... I would say that at least people in other religions are not putting themselves out as being "totally honest and trustworthy" and using their religion to rope people in and have them let down their guard".

    According to all I have seen and experienced in the JW religion, I would have to admit that too many JWs are dishonest and more unreliable than so-called worldly people of whatever religion or even athiest. While this is not to say that all JWs are dishonest and unreliable, from what I have seen I would NEVER again take a chance with them.

    I would also have no patience for any idiot who thinks they are going to play the religion "card". They think this grants them carte blanche.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I've been a landlord since I was 20 years old. Being a zealous pioneer I was eager to let JWs rent my spaces. Big Mistake!!!!!

    I quickly learned they (not all, I know), can be worse than any "worldly" tenant. Primarily because they use the whole "you-can't-sue-a-brother" card on you at every turn. But it's ok for them to stiff you on the rent.

    After a few of those experiences, I rented to worldings only. And only had a problem with 1 of them.

    The funny thing is, my grandmother (a faithful JW) said, "Now you will understand when I tell you to never ever do business with the friends!"

    Really grandmother? What other advice do you have for me? How about don't waste my life in the cult? How about that?


  • mynameislame

    I saw what happened to those who hired 'brothers' and then got taken, only to be told they could not sue.

    I used to work for a brother that said to get them disfellowshipped then sue them.

    I was never quite sure if he was serious or not. Probably serious enough so that people wouldn't risk it.

    He was pretty careful about the witnesses he hired anyway.

  • piztjw

    He sounds like a contractor a friend I had knew from the midwest. He screwed over every last mother's son that ever worked for him. He embezzeled, he tried to evade taxes, he would take big cash payments up fron and then left the suppliers holding the unpaid bills while he used the money to build his own home. He was a big fish in a small pond. But it was okay, he made big contributions to the KH. I hear he is appointed now!

  • RottenRiley

    I got ripped off by the the Witnesses and I was on their side! When it comes to money, JWs are just as bad as anything they preach against, seen too many Witnesses get ripped off by their fellows. So, do you think they should keep the theft only in the Kingdom Hall or share it with non-Witnesses?

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