Atheists Are More Advantaged Than The Religious Teachers!

by exWTslave 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    1) If an atheist becomes selfish, others have no reason to be discouraged. But see what happens if a religious leader becomes selfish, many may copy his behavior. [Many people know how lavishly Rutherford lived even during Great Depression]

    2) If an atheist becomes altruistic, he will inspire more people than religious leaders did, hence is worthy of double reward.—James 3:1

    Hence I never try to reason with an atheist for the simple reason that one can be a true worshipper if he has love, rather than a belief in God. (James 1:27) Belief in God may automatically arise later as happened in the case of a former atheist (Dr. Michael Newton). His patients—including atheists and religious people— who came for Past Regression Treatment were, under hypnosis, talking about God and soul unanimously. (Destiny of Souls, page xii, written by Dr. Michael Newton)

  • RottenRiley

    ExSlave, are you a Theist? If so, did you read Anthony Flew's book and why he changed his viewpoint before his death?

  • galaxie

    Ex wt , are you saying an athiest, can be a true worshiper even if he does not accept there is a god

    if he/ she is capable of altruism/ showing unselfish love?

    What is he/she therefore worshipping?

    If you say it's god, you must be concluding that because the athiest has

    these qualities there must be a god.?... how bizarre!!

    Please do not presume for me. My love/emotions are given freely from

    my own reasoning... NO GOD REQUIRED !!!

  • exWTslave


    I should have quoted the Scripture: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27, NAB) Hence true religion is caring about fellow humans (not about God, who does’nt require our care--1 John 4:7).

    An atheist who cares for others is better than Rutherford who lived a luxurious life, even during Great Depression. That was my point!

  • exWTslave


    When I implied: Many atheists became theists when they heard their own speech recorded during their hypnosis (talking about their own past lives and meeting their dead loved ones in the spirit world, and God's various arrangements in the spirit world ....), it does show I am believer in God!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I received a PM from a former JWD/JWN poster, well known and loved, recently. He told me not to get discouraged by the wave of atheism washing over the forum, because he found his way back to belief again. God happens when you least expect him to. We didn't discuss which god. I have to admit, I was uplifted by his revelation.

  • galaxie

    ex, you did say "one can be a true worshipper if you have love RATHER than a belief in god " .

    In order to be a worshipper you require something to worship do you not?

    I am perplexed with your reasoning.

  • galaxie

    Flying, " god happens" what does that mean? If he/she/it just occurs sometimes do you not question the judgement of a god who ignores the real and serious consequences of human tragedies. Not just popping into an ex posters brain for a little talking to.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Galaxie, are you an atheist? I haven't read enough of your posts to know. The following comments are assuming you are. If you're not, then my apologies.

    I don't look at God through the eyes of an ex jw or disgrunteled former Christian. I look at God through the same eyes I had as a-fortunate- not-to-be-raised-as-a-JW child. Since we do not have all the answers, neither you nor I, I don't hold God accountable for the things that go wrong here on the earth. I don't have all of the answers and it would be presumptuous to blame him. Now, if you are going to blame God for not intervening on the things you think he should, then it isn't fair for you not to hold him accountable for the good things here. Understand? I'm not a Chrisitan and I don't look at the earth, our universe, God, gods, goddesses through those eyes. If you're an atheist, then when you look at tragedies, you can't blame God for not intervening because quite simply, you don't believe in God.

    Do I wonder why God doesn't prevent every bad or sad thing? Sometimes I wonder about certain events. It doesn't make God not exist and it doesn't make him an @$$hole either. It means there are things going on that NONE of us understand. And that's okay. You draw your conclusions about the existence of God. I draw mine. Both sets of conclusions are very difficult to prove to each other, if not impossible. That said. I am very pleased that our former poster has drawn his own conclusions and that they have led him back to God. He's happy about it. I am happy for him. On the other hand, if your conclusions make you happy, then I'm happy for you.

  • galaxie

    Hi FHN, no i dont blame god for for mankinds situations good or bad, that is squarely mans doing.

    I do not have a belief in god.

    I was intrigued by the notion of god just happening it seems an odd expression,more reminiscent

    of human understanding of gods ways ie thinking on behalf of or presuming he does things now and again.

    I agree we dont understand everything,but i personally am not trying to understand god i have no need.

    Whereas if you do believe in a deity who has the ability to intervene to prevent tragedy befalling his

    creations (which he loves so much) wouldnt you love and worship him more,after all is that not

    what he has supposedly required from his creations?

    You say your not a xian but surely the same must apply,or dont you see god as a loving creator?

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