JW's Anti-Gay position puts them in the axis of ignorance

by scotoma 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    Darkest area is most anti-gay. Perhaps they need to focus on those areas since they seem to agree with them on this issue. Jehovah

    must really love those countries.

  • sir82

    How is Russia not also dark, on that map?

  • scotoma

    There are a broad range of anti-gay laws.

    The dark areas on that map represent countries that imprison and kill practicing homosexuals even if they are consenting adults.

    Russia doesn't have laws punishing homosexual acts between consenting adults. However, they ban public advocacy for homosexuality especially directed at minors.

    Russia is in the anti column but not as severe as those that criminalize homosexuality and punish it with prison or death.

    Russians are conservative and ignorant but not as much as the areas of the world dominated by crazy desert religions.

  • sir82

    Aha - got it.

    Considering that JWs view homosexual acts as disfellowship-able, which they view as the modern equivalent of stoning, then yeah, there should be big black dots right over Brooklyn, Wallkill, and Patterson.

  • heathen

    don't think you are being fair , the WT takes it's belief of not associating with homos out of the bible . It was against the law in Israel and of course christianity teaches it's sin punishable by death at the hands of GOD during judgement day .

  • Phizzy

    yea, it really isn't fair in the 21st century to expect people to raise their attitudes and their morals any higher than the supposed words of a 2000 year old book.

    So I suppose its O.K for them if they still view women as mere possessions, which is almost true of WT/JW's, and that they view slavery as O.K


    People who hold odious beliefs, whatever the source of those beliefs, deserve no special consideration.

  • LostGeneration

    With leaders like Tony the Turd at the forefront, they are only going to look worse as the years roll by.

  • scotoma

    The problem is also that you can't expect things to change quickly when psychologists viewed homosexuality as a mental illness in their diagnostic handbook up until 1973.

    Modern psychology is making it clearer how much of our behavior is genetically based. Liberals need to understand that the liberal-authoritarian dimension is also not a choice but genetic.

    Openness to experience/vs/fear of change has a high genetic component.

  • Apognophos

    New Zealand? Really?

  • Phizzy

    Well they have got the all-blacks. But they are not shown on the map above, I think the old Kiwis are quite tolerant.

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