Is there really a file on pedophiles in the WTS?

by Leander 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    What a dilemma... purge their data or keep lying. [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • blondie

    Witnesses believe that lying is okay if the person is not entitled to the truth.

    Insight Book Volume 2 page 44

    Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person.

    While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. …That is why Jesus on certain occasions refrained from giving full information or direct answers to certain questions when doing so could have brought unnecessary harm. (Mt 15:1-6; 21:23-27; Joh 7:3-10) Evidently the course of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, and Elisha in misdirecting or in withholding full facts from nonworshipers of Jehovah must be viewed in the same light.

    Interesting way to twist the Bible. Supposedly, if Mr. Brown were testifying in court and were under oath the WTS would require that he tell the truth or not answer the question and suffer the consequences.

    *** w76 7/15 448 Questions from Readers ***

    When the courtroom procedure is that of raising a hand or of placing a hand on the Bible when swearing, a Christian may choose to comply, having in mind the Bible examples of accompanying an oath with a gesture. But more important than whether a person makes a certain gesture with his oath is the fact that he is swearing before God to tell the truth. Such an oath is serious. So if a Christian feels that he can and should answer a question put to him in such circumstances, then he is under oath to tell the truth.
    *** w56 2/1 89 Cautious as Serpents Among Wolves ***
    A faithful witness does not love a false oath. So he tells the truth as he swore to do. What he does speak will be the truth. If he speaks at all he will tell the truth. To the extent that he chooses to talk he will state the truth. If for conscientious reasons he refuses to tell everything he will be willing to suffer the consequences if he be judged deserving of a penalty. He refuses to tell everything, not to escape punishment, but facing punishment for conscientious reasons. Even Jesus kept silent before Pilate, refusing to answer though knowing Pilate’s power.—John 19:8-11.
    But I'm sure someone can find where it is recorded in court records that JWs lied.
  • belbab

    Why didn't Nixon destroy the tapes?

    From my experience a long time ago, while in training at Bethel, I was told that files were kept on individuals, and as part of my training I was shown my personal file. I was surprised to find a copy of a letter that I had sent the society when I first entered into that organization.

    Now, if Society tries to hide or destroy computer files, where does evidence exist that they kept files. Every Elder Body in the world has evidence and copies of letters from the Society that show that they keep files. So how can they now hide it. If they say publicly that no files exist, someone, somewhere, with some sense of honesty is going to say, "Hey wait a minute, you are lying", and that person's conscience will influence him or her to blow the whistle, and bang on pots and pans. Thank you, Barbara Anderson.

    Is anybody else out there?

    belbab, keeping track

  • anewperson

    Sun Times they might dismiss as maybe biased, but what of:

    CBS Radio
    New York Times
    New York Post
    Washington Post
    The Associated Press

    Yes, the Judicial Committee records with all sins are filed in Brooklyn Bethel.

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