One Can Be Spiritual With or Without Religions!

by exWTslave 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WhoYourDaddy

    I don't have problems with athiests. They can rent billboards and scream it from the mountain tops as far as i'm concerned. I DO have a problem with the freakshow at the house of jw. The ambient abuse, entrapment, and stoning that goes on crosses the line in my book ; but honestly i don't care any long as they stay away from my family.

  • humbled

    May be I don't understand the OP, exWTslave.

    Are you proposing that the reasons we are loving, ethical, sympathetic are not important as long as actually we are these things with other people?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    i think i am a spiritual person...sounds silly but i am not sure how to define spiritual. Yet i feel in my heart i am spiritual. And i dont have a religion.

  • cantleave

    Anyone can lead a meaningful life that is useful to society if they choose to. You don't need a religion, an ideolgy or feel a spiritual need to do so.

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