Just The FACTS Please!!

by Unclepenn1 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Well, here is how I see it.

    I don't think religion has anything to do with opression. I think it has to do with economics and power. Governemts and oppressive groups use religion to justify their grab for resources. It is hard to get an army all lathered up if you tell them that we need to steal the coal mines from a neighboring country. However, if you tell them that the soldiers that they are God's choosen and the enemy is of Satan, well now you have a powerful motivator.

    This has been the case throughout human history. Take Joshua, for example. His people didn't have a country, so his army slaughtered every man, woman, and child in hundreds of towns. As far as mass extermination goes, this was more complete than Hitler and Stalin. Of course, this slaughter was justified in the name of God.

    Why do the powerful oppress the weak? Because they can.

  • crownboy

    Hey Penn, it's been a great discussion. Of course, we don't agree on everything, but at least we've reached a general consensus on some issues. Unfortunately, my work schedule has made it impossible for me to see the Simpsons for the past couple weeks, so I missed that episode. Not sure who Phish is, though.

    Totally agree with you, larc. Which is precisely why I think Christanity (and most religions) have evolved. Today, Christanity is found mainly in secular lands, so their power is limited. They need people to come to them, and can't force people to do as they say, so churches have to play "nice", which is why the "nice parts" of Christanity is stressed today. Also, humans as a whole have become more "humane". Religion has definitely always been a tool of the powerful(well, mostly).

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