Had a strange moment last night.

by thedog1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • thedog1

    In my line of work I have to deal with a lot of different people each day in a teaching capacity. Sometimes, with adults that I teach, we have some informal discussions not directly related to the subject being taught, but still important as far as developing a friendly relationship in the classroom. Anyway, yesterday I noticed that in one class the students had been given a little religious calendar in a diary form, quite a popular thing for people to do in the country I live in. So we got chatting about the little picture on the front which was a representation of Jesus. Sort of out of the blue one of the students asked me what religion I believed in. I told her that I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I didn't want the conversation to go on too long in this way, as even though as witnesses we are encouraged to informal witness at the drop of a hat, I feel it would be an abuse of my position of trust as a teacher to exploit my contact with students to use the classroom as a vehicle for witnessing. The student persisted, however, and she asked me why I believe it, and how do I know that I have the truth? That was when I had the strange moment. In the past I would have said, 'well, we believe we have the truth because we teach what is in the bible." Last night I found I could not wholeheartedly say that (the generation teaching, mind control, no opportunity to honestly dissent etc.) so I fudged the issue at bit by simply saying that we study the bible and find it helps us a lot. I did also mention that I had been in another religion as a child but had changed because it took many of its beliefs from other sources and not just the bible. But I'm not sure if I can even say that this is not true of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Xanthippe

    Yes I remember the time period when I would hear the name, JWs, on TV or at work and instead of feeling all warm and happy about it I felt a sense of revulsion. That was after seeing contradictions in the Watchtower for a number of years and my husband telling me how the other elders treated the brothers, especially those who were depressed. It was an unconscious change but that was how it all started for me.

  • Ruby456

    In the past I would have said, 'well, we believe we have the truth because we teach what is in the bible."

    thedog1, phrases like that are part of JW furniture and sometimes like any worn out furniture in our homes (that we take for granted) we only realise items need replacing when we have guests coming and we try to see things through their eyes.

  • KateWild


    I suppose it is strange when you are in a position to informally witness, especially when you're reading CoC. Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    Poor you dawgie.

    Even as a JW I used to prefer to call myself just a 'christian'. The term Jehovah's witness(TM)' stuck in my throat.....I think deep down I knew it was a dangerous cult.

    Keep on keeping on dawgie.

  • Oubliette


  • TTATTelder

    Good one Ruby...

    dog1... I hear ya. I replied "I am currently a Jehovah's Witness" which I was shocked to hear come out of my mouth. LOL

    It's such a freaking process. So much brain pollution.

  • jgnat

    I remember the day I could no longer tolerate listening to a televangelist, and was honest enough to ask myself why?

  • Giordano

    When you at a meeting or Assembly and the talk makes your skin crawl you'll know your in the wrong place.

  • Oubliette

    thedog1: Last night I found I could not wholeheartedly say that

    It's time for you to start planning your controlled fade and eventual exit from this cult!


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