My Explanation of Why They Got it Wrong About Blood Using Only the NWT

by cofty 203 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Pistoff

    Excellent use of the follow on scripture, Cofty, and nice essay.

    The idea that this was just a jewish dietary concern hit me one day while reading the entire book of Acts during a really boring Sunday talk.

    It make me go white in the face, my wife asked me what was wrong.

    It wasn't long after that it hit me that all of the talk about how blood symbolized life meant that the WT writers made the symbol, blood, more important than the reality.

    And to top it off, leadership doesn't really believe that rand and file should 'abstain' from blood.

    Dozens of blood fractions are allowable, all from blood; components for vaccines come from blood.

    But they still keep up the pretense.

  • Comatose

    Do you think the Octopopes eat lobster, shrimp, mussels, oysters, or fish?

    Because none of those are bled prior to eating. You either eat the whole animal blood and all or eat it in part with no bleeding.

    Jesus fed 5,000 with miracle fish. The Bible Story book shows the heads on the fish. Bad Jesus!!!

  • finallysomepride
  • Zoos

    Perfect timing!

    I was just having a conversation with an awakening JW two weeks ago using this same line of reasoning. I've seen a similar write-up on the subject... somewhere. Anyway. I fumbled my way through it, unsure about the effectiveness of my presentation.

    In an effort to clarify, I just emailed her a copy of your post. Thank you! Your timing could not have been better.

    And... NICE WORK!

  • cofty

    Please let us know how that goes Zoos

  • peggy

    Ha ha Cofty "farkeled" xstuckx!

  • neverendingjourney

    I look at their blood and smoking bans as cult attempts to make the members feel special about taking a unique stand compared to "the world" and as distractors because the end hasn't arrived yet.

    One of the earliest realizations I had during the waking up process is that the Witnesses attract converts by setting up processes of elimination, but they never really fully substantiate their own beliefs. They start off with the premises that there is a God and that the Bible is true. If you buy into those premises and are sufficiently ignorant of the Bible's content, then they start you off with series of eliminations.

    War is bad; eliminate all denominations that go to war. The trinity is false; eliminate all trinitarian denomiations. You must go preaching door to door; that eliminates pretty much everyone else except the Mormons. Smoking, blood, belief in the soul, and so on and so on. At that point only the Witnesses are left, so they must be the truth!

    The problem is that presenting evidence that a position is wrong doesn't necessarily mean the opposite position is the correct one. It's much, much easier to show that there are arguments suggesting the soul is mortal than it is to conclusively prove that the Bible says it's immortal. It's a logical fallacy that the untrained mind can easily fall for. The blood ban is another of their exclusive doctrines they can use to "eliminate" other denominations from possibly having "the truth."

  • TTATTelder


    Study Conductor: So who's left standing after our checklist ?

    Study: Jehovah Witness

    Conductor: So we must have the truth of the whole universe right?

    Study: Yeah

    Conductor: Good student! You get to follow me around while I knock on doors this weekend!

    Study: Huh?

  • baldeagle

    Thanks. The points are well made and easy to follow.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Your argumentation and evidence are unassailable. I would love to hear this given as a talk in the KH by an accomplished speaker. The bible references are there, the inferences follow logically.

    Even the illustration of the man scratching his balls deciding whether to bury the dead animal or feed it to his family jumps off the page.

    I read it to my wife yesterday as an illustration of how serious, well thought out and free of rant these sites can be. She couldn’t fault the reasoning.

    Thanks Coffy

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