Christians, Christians where is the Love?

by jam 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kaik

    The same division happened in former Yugoslavia. I was there before the war and during and remember in 1990 when I sit with bunch of Yugoslavs at the garden bar at the corso about the ongoing crisis there and one Yugoslav guy told me that they will not fight each other, because they are all Slavs. Year later, entire country was engulfed in war and neighbor shot neighbor over the fence.

  • RottenRiley

    I can't think of the great Britsh Skeptic who said that "It would have been impossible for the Ghandhi to succeed under any other religion than the Western Consciences of Christendom". If Ghandhi had tried to liberate his people from a Islamic Regime, the same skeptic (was it Hume or?) said Mahatama's actions would have been met by a Sword instead of the peaceful liberation that allowed India to gain it's independence. Think about this, do you think a man like Ghandhi could succeed in Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan? You know the answer, the original poster to this thread is not intellectually honest, I see their biasm in Islam and wonder if they are a Muslim trying to convert the members on JWN like that poser poster who took flight after I crushed their Muslim Cheerleading and Anti-Christian rantings.

    All the Arabian Pennisula philosophy that did not convert to Islam is now lost, there are stories of the Prophet killing a 80 year old female philosopher who protested the barbaric methods Islam took. We lost close to two thousand years of philosophy and culture, when all those statues of Buddism were blown to pieces by the Taliban, we got a peak of how Islamic adherents crushed all outside philosophy (590-2000 AD) and we lost much history because of their intolerance and hatred of infidels. The Jizya "Poll Tax", what about that poster, explain why we should pay a "Poll Tax" and why Atheist, Agnostic and Homosexuals should be killed under Sharia Law but Christians and Jews can live if they pay a harsh tax.

    What did Ghandhi mean by "Outside the cross [of Christ], I do not know where else something so unique could be given as an answer....

  • Fernando

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