Bill Nye/Ken Ham Creation-Evolution Debate Here: V

by mind blown 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    In case some are interested and can't find it.....


  • problemaddict


  • confusedandalone

    As I listen I find it hard to believe this guy really thinks this makes sense

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Could somebody please explain to me how it is possible for the subject of creationism to reach the stage in a first world country where it warrants a debate?

    The Creation stories of Genesis are myths invented by primitive, superstitious non-observers. They are not real, literal accounts. They are fables: one was invented to justify the Sabbath (Gen 1:1-2:4a) the other was invented to justify heterosexual marriage (Gen 2:4b ff). Pure religious stories written by people during the 8th to 6th centuries BCE, several centuries after the "Moses-event".

    What hope is there if an advanced nation can succumb so easily to ancient superstitions?


  • problemaddict

    I didn't realize he was a young earth creationist. He even made a greatpoint regarding how if you believe in creation but NOT in a young earth are technically not in step with the bible! I tend to agree!

  • Badfish

    I watched this live at a Unitarian Universalist church earlier this evening. It was pretty interesting. After the video stream, we had a moderated discussion. My first time at a Unitarian church. Apparently, they're all atheists.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Perhaps it would be technically more correct to say that people first need to understand the ancient Jewish mind and not read the Bible through modern western eyes. Study Kabbalistic thinking and expression, Jewish mysticism, the nature of their various writings, and then see the Bible for what it is - a collection of ancient Middle Eastern writings that reflect their contemporary understandings and idioms, the cultures of each generation that wrote and rewrote the text. Prove that what you read today is exactly what was originally written. And it helps to compare and contrast the MT with the various versions of the LXX. The list goes on.


  • Viviane

    Bill Nye absolutely wiped the floor with Ken Ham. All Ken had was "But the Bible...."

  • cantleave

    So my prediction that all Ken would come up with is "the bible says so" was pretty much spot-on. There's a surprise!

  • Viviane

    Pretty sure the Bible predicted that, cantleave. He didn't attempt to answer anything, just "The Bible says...." over and over and over and over and over.

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