Four BOE Letters

by pixel 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    Looks like a big push to ruin JWs summer vaction months altogether. I'm sure JWs will just love going to the DC in June or July, then get harassed to sweat out August in FS. I'm sure the GB want to crack 8 million publishers as well, so balls to the wall during August.

    Also notice the focus on harassing the inactive. Mentioned in three of the four letters. They aren't getting any results D2D so they think they can harass people back into the cult. Be ready if this is your status.

  • Phizzy

    How do they define an "inactive" person ? If we have been inactive and non-atttending for a good number of years should we expect a visit ? Or do we drop off the radar after a certain period of time ?

  • Phizzy

    How do they define an "inactive" person ? If we have been inactive and non-atttending for a good number of years should we expect a visit ? Or do we drop off the radar after a certain period of time ?

  • 88JM

    So that's a double tract campaign in August for the whole of the UK at least then.


    Even so, we cannot view shepherding simply as a program that involves making a “shepherding call” once a month.

    Do they seriously think publishers are getting visited once a month? You're "lucky" in most congregations to get visited once a year!

    (Or do they mean elders doing one sheperding visit per month to different people? That would mean only 12 people get a sheperding visit per year?)

  • label licker
    label licker

    Elders are off the hook for they can do their shepherding before or after the meetings or they can kill hours(they don't) by visiting inactive ones in service along with weak ones in their car groups. Kill two birds with one stone and never have to go out of their way. This is a joke!

  • 88JM

    Oh, does saying "hello" at the meetings count as a sheperding visit now then? These elders have it so easy...

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Phizzy, they define an "inactive person" with every JW who is very active on this forum ;-)

  • Phizzy

    That's kinda what I think they think in their mind, we are never ex-JW's to them. But at one time they used to remove your Record Card from the file after a certain time, once that had happened you were not really on the radar, at least as far as a visiting C.O was concerned.

    Do they not do that now ?

    Back to the BOE Letters. I see they are having in-house Design and Construction Departments at each Bethel now. They really are gearing up for property development and sales.

    The next move will be in-house Estate Agents.

  • Quarterback

    Those poor people who experience a rainy period in the Carribean/Central and South America in August will be pissed off.

  • LoyalLeon

    So, now we know the first release at this year's district/international conventions:

    T -36

    As T-30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 were duly released at last year's conventions, later came T-35 (aka Kingdom News 38) and now T-37 has been announced to be released in June...

    the missing tract will probably be shown at the conventions...


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