PRESS- Silentlambs-More to Follow---

by silentlambs 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    Here's my letter to my editor (reduced to the required 250 words):

    Dear Editor:

    Are There Rapists at Your Door?

    I have been following with great interest your paper’s chronicling of the handling of sexual abuse within various churches in the US.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses, also, have their share of woes. This organization is over 100 years old, has 6 million members worldwide, 1 million in the United States, is experiencing zero growth in 75 countries and gains 300,000 members yearly, mostly in underdeveloped countries. There are estimated 1.5 million to 2 million ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses today; they are increasingly vocal with a strong worldwide internet presence.

    Recently, some Jehovah’s Witnesses who spoke out publicly about child abuse for Dateline were summoned before their elders. Carl and Barbara Pandello responded with a letter. Bill Bowen’s hearing is May 25, 2002 near Calvert City, Ky; and witnesses are coming on his behalf from various locations in the United States.

    I live in Los Angels, CA. I have been around the Witneses for twenty years. Last October, 2001, I attended a trial of a Jehovah’s Witness accused of molesting another Witness. I saw the victim shunned by Witnesses, and the defendant—twice convicted of child rape – recieved support letters from Jehovah’s Witnesses!

    This issue affects the public. A Jehovah’s Witness who molests a child is ordered to go door-to-door to prove his repentance. So the person knocking on YOUR door selling Watchtowers may be a child molester.

    Are your children safe?



  • Sunnygal41

    Airmail, you said: "Having dealt with this problem my self with abused people, and reading the above story of disgruntled members im wondering if they ever helped a victim or they are just using it for an excuse to leave the wt society."

    When I was "in", I knew of a case personally....the sister was in my bookstudy, my husband was an elder on the committee handling it...she talked to me about it, etc.....Her father was an elder....she tried everything within her powers to bring this man to justice, but could not get him to confess to having done this to her. Some of her family, i.e., her brother and sister were against her....she showed great courage. So, yes, I know someone "personally" and tried to be a support to her, emotionally. But, one thing I'd like to mention is that was not what made me leave the Borg, although, in hindsight, it does make an impact. There are many many other reasons I left, doctrinal issues, trust issues, honesty issues being some of them. My point being that there are plenty of objections that can be stated other than this one issue.



  • silentlambs




    May 9, 2002
    National Briefing: Religion
    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SEX ACCUSATIONS Four Jehovah's Witnesses who have publicly criticized their church's handling of sexual abuse accusations have been summoned to church hearings that could result in their excommunication. The four assert that church elders did not immediately report to the authorities accusations of abuse by family or church members.
    Laurie Goodstein (NYT)

  • silentlambs

    New York Post




    May 9, 2002 -- Jehovah's Witnesses leaders are moving to excommunicate four people who have spoken to a television show about child molestation within the church, the four say.
    If that happens, they claim, other Jehovah's Witnesses will be barred - also under the threat of excommunication - from watching the upcoming NBC "Dateline" episode detailing alleged abuse in the church and criticism of how the church handles such cases.
    A spokesman for the Brooklyn-based religion called that claim "absurd."
    Both sides agree that all Witnesses - including relatives of the four - would risk excommunication by having contact with any excommunicated person, except under certain circumstances.
    While the four believe the show's impending broadcast has spurred the church's actions, church spokesman J.R. Brown said that before Tuesday, church headquarters had no idea that these people would be on the show.
    He also said local congregations decided to charge them with various spiritual violations.

  • hawkaw

    Bill et. al. made the Times!!!!!

    Helloooooo people

    This is major - we have an "IN"

    dungbeetle and Bill,

    Excellent "spin" here ...

    Are there rapists at Your door?

    That is the type of tool that separates you from the Catholics and will scare the living crap out of the public. Don't forget that little lingo - use it in any press releases you have.


  • bluesapphire


  • outnfree

    WOOHOO!!!! The New York Times!!!!

    The NY Post was good.
    Newsday was better (bigger circulation figures)
    But the NY TIMES is best!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Imbue

    Excellent these articles will allow JWs to ask questions...

    Please tell me if dateline actually has scheduled it?

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • sf

    "Bowen says he will fight to remain a member, so he can support child abuse victims within the church."

    Mr. I understand.

    Please pardon and forgive me for such ignorance.

    Many things were clouding my 'vision'.

    Sincerely, sKally

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You've got several large news outlets to publish your release, which is fantastic..., so the release is now 'legit' (as opposed to the countless others that are ignored)... IMO, you can leverage this by printing out those releases from the various news websites, then fax them along with the original release to the large newspapers who haven't printed should cause a reaction, because other outlets like to get on board a rolling train.

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