The Truth No one Wants To Hear

by maccauk11 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • maccauk11

    The Truth about Messiah and what he acheived in the 1st century is something millions of Believers in Christ refuse to accept Namely the historical record of things all fulfilled in that momentous 1st century.It is rejected because the -isms, man made doctrines, theologies, false teachings etc etc that abound since then and so millions have allowed themselves to be brainwashed,conditioned into. The reality is so simple if one lets Messiah remain with his intent and meaning. But if we change his own words, we become divided. The historical record of Messiah and what he did and what he promised cannot be erased. Meaning it is a delusion to put oneselves in place of those 1st century faithful ones as well as the 12 tribes of Old Covenant. We have coveniently overlooked that Messiah was talking directly to those people who were there, and not to us in the 21 centruy. The Holy Nation, The Chosen ones etc etc were from those very people. Todaywe have not managed to discern that Messiah did come back for them just as he promised of that i have no doubt. He did come in his KIngdom just like he said, just like he looked them in the eyes and told them he would. Most believers today refuse to accept this Truth. Why, because of men who claim to be the truth, the true church etc etc. When in fact the true church cannot be seen, touched and not made by human hands. It is essentially an eternal spiritual arrangement.

    ALmighty God chose a remnant, the chosen ones from among ancient Hebrews before the foundation of the earth, to be his Son's disciples, the bride of Christ, pure and undefiled. No one can make that claim today, because it is already fullfilled 2000 years ago. This is not for modern day beleivers.The same is true for The Testimony of JesusChrist, whichis the book of revelation. It too was written for 1st centruy beleivers and not to be associated with modern day last days scenarios. We today have to find scripture that was written specifically for the Gentiles under the spiritual New covenant which was establised after the destruction ofJerusalem and the Temple in 70Ad along with all the fleshly old covenant . We all must find our place in Christ. The hidden Christ within .Then all divisions and false teachings will melt away. The Kingdom has ruled in the hearts of those who love Messiah throughout history and their eterinty is assured, in other words they have entered the Kingdom which along with the gift of grace and faith has been available to all from every tribe nation and tongue for 2000 years. It is not done though a man made church, denomination, ideology or organisation. You cannot see it or touch it. It lives in your heart and is freely available. We have no need of anyone to teach us anything once we have come to this realisation and are free from all the ways of man. With free will to choose,we spend our time seeking him and not ourselves and in fact he lets himself be found and will reveal himself to anyone that asks.

    With Christ within, Holy spirit gently leading us, we are at one with him and Father. All has been accomplished through Christ. His KIngdom is here now and has been for centuries, by seeking him we will see it, perceive it and enter in. You cannot earn it by anything we do, not a single thing, it is the perfect free gift from a perfect KIng

  • Captain Obvious
  • Tiktaalik

    Blah blah blah.

    Maccualk you are one of the most boring posters on this forum.

  • Hortenzie

    Most people would love to know the real truth about Jesus. But they are weary because so many claiming to have the truth turned out to be liars... You make sweeping statements. Can you prove any of them?

  • Doug Mason
  • WTWizard

    The whole thing was stolen. Paganism is the real source--Christi-SCAM-ity stole and corrupted everything. Jesus--what about Odin and Horus? Twelve tribes, twelve apostles--stolen from twelve signs of the Zodiac. I personally believe Jesus is nothing more than a tool to siphon our psychic power to a few scumbags at the top, so they can enslave us. This psychic energy is to bring a messiah that will enslave all the nations, and we will all be slaves. The others, well--they are allegories representing the sun on its journey through the Zodiac.

    And yes, the sun fulfills a lot of prophecies supposedly involving Jesus. It dies on the Cross of the Zodiac every year, only to be resurrected after 3 days on December 25. It returns frequently--every day, that is. (Unless you live in latitudes where the sun doesn't always rise or set.) The sun saves us from the darkness of night, and the dangers inherent of the night--and provides for everyone during the summer months. And best of all, the sun doesn't demand sacrifices out of us or steer us in the direction of communism as Jesus did.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You lost me halfway through the first paragraph. It just wasn't worth reading.

    The truth people like you don't want to hear is that it is all balderdash. Every bit of it.

    There was no magic Jesus, maybe there was a guy and maybe there wasn't. But he wasn't the son of God, he did not perform miracles or come back from the dead. Paul proclaimed the Christ of myth and that Christ later became alive- larger than any living Jesus could have hoped for.

    The end.

  • Fernando

    Well written maccauk11.

  • Oh Gawd
  • UN informed
    UN informed

    I have come to deny "Jesus in Kingdom Power" because of the ineffectual ness of his Kingdom Rule over the past 100 years.--------

    NOW you are telling us he has been at it for 2000 years.

    Open your eyes. Is this world really under the Kingship of a benevolent Messiah?

    Pass the Koop-aid.


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