New here, just wanted to say "Hello"

by Goldiver 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • galaxie

    welcome goldiver I CONCUR i have shared many similar experiences. my fascination is this; although its probably retorical , why have many like us seen through this deception whereas our families with much the same upbringing, genes etc cannot? perhaps thats why we involve ourselves with sites like this .

  • Dis-Member


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Welcome! Glad you are now happily married :)

    Carpe Diem!

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Welcome Goldiver, very nice to have you here! Sunny greetings from Spain.

  • KateWild


    Welcome to JWN, thank you for your story. Many desperate JW women/girls put on a fake persona to catch a "brother in good standing" I am glad you are 3 time lucky. I stayed with an abusive man like one of your sisters, but I am free from the BOrg an free form him now too. Kate xx

  • designs


  • Comatose

    Welcome! I look forward to hearing more about you. Glad to have you. I hope you can find some humor and peace here.

  • Goldiver

    Wow, I feel a little a bit overwhelmed at the moment with all the warm welcomes and kind words. I hope my experiences can help and encourage others to see through it all and break free from their pain. I sincerly hope you all can find peace as I have. I look back on my life as a JW and all I see is wasted years and wasted tears. Life is too short to live it unhappy.

    Thank you all

  • clarity

    Wow ...I just found you here Goldiver ....big welcome!

    Hope you enjoy this site & are able to shake off the jw

    programing completely.


  • flipper

    GOLDIVER- So very nice to have you here my friend. I really appreciate you sharing your story. So many of us, like you and me who were raised up from childhood in this organization could see through the veneeer and manipulation being used to control people with the WT mindset- yet out of fear of our families being divided and fractionalized - stayed in the Witnesses too long where it wore us out both mentally and emotionally. Like yourself I'm glad I got out finally 10 years ago at age 44 - but I also wish I had left years earlier. But we left when we left- you know ? So from now on we will promise ourselves that nobody will steal our minds and our freedom again ! It's up to us to use the rest of our lives in a positive way- and it sounds like you're really doing that ! So more power to ya friend, and I hope you continue having years of happiness too

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