2014 YB Up. Partakers 13,204

by LostGeneration 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • mariu

    Has the GB ever explained WHY they are moving out of Brooklyn?

    I don't think so, but I'm glad they keep everyone the world over informed about things like this:

    Brother Morris explained that the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Department, located on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3, would continue to function there until mid-2014.

    Bless Jehovah!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    sir82: Last year it was a guy who sold his chickens. This year it's 2 kids who sell their cows.

    Oubliette: I'm thinking it'll be a story about a kid that sold his family cow for some magic beans!

    No, it will be worse:

    "Johnny, only 12 years old, baptized as a Jehovah's Witness for 5 years, wanted to do more to support the publishing and real estate corporation known as Watchtower B&TS. Since Johnny is too young to work full time (lazy kid), and his parents are dirt poor-as they are both Pioneers with no college degree- Johnny did what he could: he donated one of his kidneys and gave the proceeds to WT.

    Johnny's self-sacrifice is an example to all Jehovah's Witnesses. Even if you have no cash, property, jewelry or firstborn to give to the Watchtower, anyone certainly can donate a spare organ and give the money to WT. "Clearly", this is why Jehovah gave all of his people extra organs, isn't it? "Evidently" these organs are to be used to support the Kingdom work in these last days of the last days."

  • Heartofaboy

    Hey Shirley ROFLMAO!

  • bnybyt


    How about the number keeps increasing because it's the second wind of the overlapping generation that we're now seeing revealed!

    Hey Bro Loesch how about printing that in the July WT?


  • pixel

    Brother Morris explained that the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Department, located on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3, would continue to function there until mid-2014.

    O wow. Just wow. I love how they use the word "explained".

    ex·plain verb past tense: explained ; past participle: explained 1. make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Brother Morris explained that the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Department, located on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3, would continue to function there until mid-2014.

    If I remember correctly, at least laundry and dry cleaning were used in the factory longer than it was used in the Furman St. building. WT spent tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars to relocate laundry and dry cleaning to the Furman St. building and within about two years the building was sold and all the equipment had to be removed and relocated to the factory.

    My guess would be that they'll relocate part of the equipment to one of their remaining Brooklyn properties and sell the rest for pennies on the dollar. Although they might relocate the used equipment to Wallkill if needed, they'll probably insist that all the equipment at the new headquarters be brand new.

  • flipper

    This organization is so bat $heeeite crazy that it stands to figure at this rate- by 2020 the number partaking will definitely be 20,000 or more . I'd say that's a fair bet . The main reason I believe this number keeps going up since 2005 is because of that stupid WT magazine article where the alleged " new light " " miraculously " revealed to the WT writing committee that the sealing of the anointed was NOT closed in 1935 as once thought- that there in 2005 or whatever God Jehovah had once again opened up the sealing of the anointed ones so it stood to reason that self important JW's figured that THEY were of that " class " and chose to bestow on themselves individually that they had the " calling " ( if you can call it that ) of being of the anointed . In the bigger picture the WT Society MADE this happen in opening up more anointed to come in because it extended their game plan in keeping the " last days " of the system of things going since Armageddon never came - essentially the GB and WT writing committee HAD to do something to extend the " system " as with no Armageddon plans were being financially laid out for moving out of Brooklyn Bethel to upstate New York and if they didn't open up to more anointed partaking how would they justify more " Kingdom activity " ( translation $$$$$ kingdom money making work ) to keep the organization afloat ? Also- I feel the WT leaders had a huge problem from 1991 to 2005 seeing that the number of those partaking NEVER went down ! It just stayed at 8,500 approximately for 14 years and THAT was a huge problem as they kept saying for years that the anointed would be dying out and the number would be very few by Armageddon - they hinted at that for years - so they probably felt in 2005 " what the hell , let's just open it up for partaking again and we'll make something up to explain it and worry about it later. " Which is probably more of an accurate assumption . Just get rid of the teaching, then it gets rid of the problem in their opinion. It's so messed up it's beyond belief. My 2 cents

  • steve2

    Thanks for the graphs jwfacts! - I knew there were graphs somewhere and, from memory, had seen them in one of your earlier threads from a year or two ago.

    One of the dubious "advantages" of no longer carrying the country-by-country statistics in the Watchtower study articles as they used to do is that they can draw upon the statistics more selectively and even completely brush over the increasing numbers of reported partakers. If it were part of a study article, it would be staring everyone in the face.

  • Tech49

    So here is a little something that I have always wondered about: If there were approx 90,000 partakers in 1925, 100 years ago, they are all dead and gone, probably by, let's say 1960, just for discussion's sake.

    Ok, so that means that the new "crop" of partakers numbering 13,000+ (and growing) are "newbies". So that's at least over 100,000 seperate, different partakers. Just in the last 100 years alone. That is also not taking into account the number of partakers that have popped up and died off DURING that time period from the 60's until now. ( I am sure someone else has done the calculations, but you get the idea.)

    Now, what happened to the numbers of those in the first century congregations (over 2000 years ago!) that were supposedly of the annointed? Unknown number.My point is, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that these numbers just dont work. A literal number of 144,000 does not pencil out.

    Next prediction: As the number of "annointed" continue to rise, the WTBTS will have no choice but to rewrite the story and backtrack on the LITERAL number, and it will become a FIGURATIVE number, indicating COMPLETENESS (12 x 12 x 1000) to the inth degree, because only Jah knows the ACTUAL number. Then, it will no longer be necessary to PUBLISH the actual numbers.

    "After all, WE didnt say the numbers were literal."......Quick, someone change the Online Library.....

    Checkmate, again.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Number of Supercentarians (+110 years) who would "remember" 1914 - approx 350,000, a significant number of which are Asian who dont give a rats ass about 1914. Number of annointed supercentarians? I guess zero - this generation did by all menas pass away so another generation evidently will not pass away in fullfillment of prophecy. What a joke!

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