"Jehovah ALWAYS had/used an organization". How would you reply?

by EdenOne 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Good topic...Marking this for later.

  • thedog1

    Crazyguy. Paul does not disagree with James. He is discussing people wanting to be righteous through works of the Mosaic law. He disagrees with the Jews on this. James is not discussing these kinds of 'works.' James is talking about having a faith and simplying demonstrating this faith through actions based on this faith. If, as he says, our faith is alive it is demonstrated by how we live and act.

  • prologos

    Since the book of Revelation is so central to WT doctrine, and

    the 7 congregation, based in Asia Minor, but also, and REALLY meaning to be now, the LORDS DAY (since 1914)--,

    why are these congregations shown to be answering DIRECTLY to CHRIST ?and

    not seen to be reporting "TIME" to branches, COs, DOs and having all the accrutements of power,-- titles?

    Has WT gone beyond the scriptures in creating this controlling monster, that even the bible writers could not come up with in their worst nightmares err-- fondest dreams?-

  • LouBelle

    reply: Could you show me that record of Jahs'?

  • highroad


  • Aurelius

    The WT recently admitted that the 'channel' was not always in existence.

    see WT Study Edition - July 2013

    14 The apostasy made some inroads in the first century, but Jesus’ faithful apostles acted “as a restraint,” holding back the contamination and influence of false teachings. (2 Thess. 2:3, 6, 7) However, once the last of the apostles died, the apostasy took root and flourished during a long growing season that lasted for many centuries. Additionally, during that time, the weeds became many and the blades of wheat were few. There was no consistent, organized channel for dispensing spiritual food. That would eventually change. But the question is, When?


    15, 16. The Bible Students’ diligent study of the Scriptures yielded what results, and what question arises?

    15 As the end of the growing season neared, there were strong stirrings of interest in Bible truth. Recall that in the 1870’s, a small group of sincere truth-seekers got together and formed Bible classes apart from the weeds—imitation Christians within the churches and sects of Christendom. With humble hearts and open minds, those sincere Bible Students, as they called themselves, made a careful and prayerful search of the Scriptures.—Matt. 11:25.

    16 The Bible Students’ diligent study of the Scriptures yielded rich results. Those loyal men and women exposed false doctrines and spread spiritual truths, publishing and distributing Bible literature far and wide. Their work won the hearts and convinced the minds of many who were hungering and thirsting for spiritual truth. An intriguing question therefore arises: Were the Bible Students in the years that led up to 1914 the appointed channel through which Christ would feed his sheep? No. They were still in the growing season, and the arrangement for a channel to provide spiritual food was still taking shape. The time had not yet come for the weedlike imitation Christians to be separated from the true Christian wheat.

  • Aurelius


    3rd Study article - Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few

  • snare&racket

    The dangerous world of deluded organised belief systems....

    Watchtower 1957 May 1 p.284 Trust Your Proved, Faithful Brothers

    We will realize that Jehovah knows what is going on in his organization, and if he is willing to permit it, who are weto insist it should be different? If we really have faith, we will know that if it is wrong he will straighten it out eventually, and we are far safer inside his organization even with these minor difficulties than we would be on theoutside where only chaos and destruction await us.

  • EdenOne

    Great catch Aurelius.


  • adamah

    Aurelius said-

    The WT recently admitted that the 'channel' was not always in existence.

    WT didn't say that such channels didn't exist at times. It's over-reaching to claim they did, since it's putting words into their mouth without justification.

    Review what they wrote:

    WT Study Edition - July 2013

    There was no consistent, organized channel for dispensing spiritual food. That would eventually change.

    Saying there was "no consistent, organized channel" does NOT imply there was NO channel for dispensing spiritual food, only the channel was inconsistent and disorganized at some times.

    That actually sounds more like a fitting description of current environment the GB finds itself in, LOL!


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