Fat Girls Guide to Life book

by love2Bworldly 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rebel8

    A person close to me is always dieting and promptly gains back everything lost. She asked for help. I set her up with a meal plan that followed the food pyramid, period--1800 calories, IIRC.

    She eats way too much meat and almost no fruits, veg or grain, if left to her own devices--all calorie-dense foods. Eating this way was a huge transition. She complained of being unable to eat so much food. Veg and whole grains are very filling! She dropped weight dramatically.

  • besty

    @DJS - what is your visceral fat percentage?

    The primary conclusion of the study you mention is:

    Their results showed that regardless of the person’s BMI , an unhealthy metabolic state — such as having hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol levels — was consistently linked to an increased risk of dying during the study period or having a heart event. http://healthland.time.com/2013/12/02/you-cant-be-fit-and-fat/

    I agree with you that the ideal state is to be thin and healthy. I am not arguing a get out of jail free for overweight and obese people. Rather my point is that metabolic health is more important than BMI.

    Lustig's message is:

    1 - don't let being thin fool you as to your metabolic health - see the primary conclusion noted above

    2 - your biochemistry drives your behaviours including eating and activity levels. Obesity is not the problem, rather a symptom of biochemical issues. You may be suffering from these biochemical problems and still be thin, for the time being.

    3 - our fructose intake in the modern processed diet is driving our insulin levels crazy

  • DJS

    I don't know what visceral fat percentage means. I'm 6 ft. tall (exactly), weigh 170 lbs.. I work out a lot, eat a very healthy diet and have no visible body fat. My BP stays around 117 over 70 something to 80 and my resting heart rate is 68 - 70 bpm. I'm also never sick (other than allergies).

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    the whole 'fat acceptance' thing is dumb. guess what? if you're fat it's most likely because you eat garbage and don't exercise. Being overweight leads to tons of health conditions. If it takes being shamed into losing weight, well, then that's what it takes.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Love, eat healthy foods. Be balanced. Exercise. Take the best care of your hair and skin. Don't be afraid to dress well and use cosmetics. I remember a comedian once said, and he was black, "Don't try telling a 350 lb black woman she aint sexy." And he spoke of how black women tend to care more about dressing well and looking their best no matter what size.

    Beauty doesn't come in a size. A woman can be beautiful, slender and boring. If she's got a natural sex appeal and charisma, she's going to have it no matter what she weighs or how old she gets. Confidence is key.

    If anyone pressures you to look a certain way, or to be a certain size, remember that it is his/her issue, not yours. Shallow people are unpleasant. I'll take fat and jolly any day over a twit, fat or thin.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Real women don't come in just one size

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'll have to look the book up. My mom had a book about loving who you are at any size. Meanwhile:

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh yes and watch this: treat yourself:

    She Tastes Like Cola by Lou Bega


  • Violia

    The young lady above looks healthy and beautiful. She looks like maybe a size 12-14 ( by todays clothing sizing measurements ) . That would have been about a 16-18 years ago.

  • LisaRose

    I love the way black women feel good about their bodies, no matter what the size. I feel OK about myself, despite the weight, but I don't have that level of confidence. I did make sure I dressed right for my size, and work more on the jewelry and makeup, so I still feel attractive, and my husband hasn't kicked me out of bed yet, lol. My doctor doesn't think it's a problem, my cholesterol and blood pressure are normal, but still, I know it's not doing me any good. And my weight had been fairly stable for many years, so this weight just doesnt feel normal.

    But no matter what, I am not going to feel bad about myself or hate on my body, that is not healthy and won't make it any easier to lose weight. There is a lot more to me than a number on a scale or my dress size.

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