Interesting video on quantum mechanics

by willmarite 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • willmarite

    An interesting video on quantum physics for those with an open mind.

  • cofty

    " for those with an open mind." = For the gullible who are easily impressed by woo-woo if it includes sciency words like "quantum"

  • willmarite

    Ah yes, cofty, the very epitome of an open mind. He has an opinion on a 17 minute video 6 minutes after it was posted.

  • bohm

    This video present a false view of qm. The main problem is "observation" in qm is done by physical objects, for instance a photon counter, and its the action of the photon counter that causes the collapse of the wave function, not the consciousness of the scientist who later look at the output.

    So its a theory of how physical objects interact. A different theory than newtonian physics, but still a purely material theory.

    with the distortion in place god gets jammed into the mix for no reason. if god cause wavefunctions to be collapsed, does the existence of uncollapsed wavefunction mean god is not omnipresent? introducing god to the mix solve no problems only create additional ones...

    notice this problem does not actually exist in qm (the non-distorted material version accepted by the authors of the papers that was misused in the video) where collapse is caused by interaction between quantum states and large, hot objects like detectors.

  • cofty

    I had an opinion on the assertions that went with the description. Heard it all before. Its pure Deepak Chopra woo woo

  • cofty

    QM is about sub-atomic particles. The moon really does still exist when you stop looking at it.

  • BackseatDevil

    That video went WAY too fast and assumes the audience knows half the words they are using. You have to grasp the concept of quantum mechanics before watching this. It also gives finite assumption when the field is constantly changing. It is a lot of unconfirmed information.

    If you want an excellent book on the subject (without the math) try "The Dancing Wu Li Masters"

    That book changed my life. I learned more from reading that once then reading the bible twice.

  • bohm

    Backseat devil: the video build upon a basic misunderstanding. I think the author have no interest in the audience understanding qm, they just know there is a market for sciency-sounding videos that conclude god exist.

  • willmarite

    Backseat devil thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out. I personally liked Quantum Enigma

  • tootired2care

    I watched the video, while fascinating discoveries are highlighted in it, this video is a cloaked case for idealism/theism, and argues that the complexity that is found in the quantum world invalidates all understandings of materialism and realism. The leap to theism from this is preposterous. Just because the relasionship between the quantum world and the material one is not fully understood it does not prove theism, nor does it even help its case one bit. So typical for theists to use gaps in ongoing scientific inquiries, to try and support their hamstrung deity, whom is powerless to even help starving children.

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