Just out of curiosity, how many elders (current & ex) do we have here?

by mrquik 186 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsetsonefree

    11 years an elder. As has been said already thet fact that I was out in my thinking for the last 3-4 years of being an elder shows how "spirit inspired" those appointments are.


  • committeechairman

    I am currently serving as an elder.

  • Virgochik

    Comittee, I give you credit for doubtless trying to make your congregation a better place while caught between strong personalities and perhaps doubts that it's even worthwhile. Can you share more about your situation?

  • flipper

    So - from when I stated on pg. 4 that I had counted 47 elders AND ex-elders here at that point - that total number combined is now up to 74 by my count give or take one or two. Imagine that ! 74 ex-elders or elders expressing a voice for freedom of mind and each of them recognizing that there is something seriously amiss and wrong with how the WT Society is conducting it's business or manipulating and controlling it's members through coercion or deceptive practices. It truly shows that when a person gets into a position of authority behind closed doors- that many times the masks come off in even how elders themselves are treated from authority figures above them and the hidden inner workings of the WT organization that are NEVER seen by rank & file JW's gets openly exposed like a festering wound which these fine elders & ex-elders have eyewitnessed personally I would imagine.

    I'm so proud of all you guys posting here I could start a celebration ! Thanks for posting. You are truly to be commended for your expressions of freedom. Do you realize how MANY people you are helping right now by your expressions ? It numbers into the thousands . Already 6,606 have viewed this thread. You bet it's having an effect. Take care. peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Woody22

    Ex-elder Woody

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Yeah. If everyone spoke out against things they feel uncomfortable this POS organization would crumble like the tower of babel.

  • Hecce

    To win in any conflict internal oposition is needed, it is a blessing to have here not only so many former elders, but a great deal of active ones that are bringing in the bacon.


  • flipper

    Including Woody that makes 75 ex-elders & elders combiined. Keep em comin' guys

  • flipper

    To put this number of 75 ex-elders or elders into perspective- consider the average number of elders that possibly made up congregations. Depending on the size of a congregation- some congregations in the old days had 8 to 10 elders, but many had about 6 elders or so- I observed as an average. Going on the " 6 " number- just for instance- we have here enough elders or ex-elders which would make up perhaps 12 to 13 congregations worth of elders ! Kind of interesting when you think of it in those terms ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Bob_NC

    I am glad to see comments like those of Virgochik and millie210 and others, that seeing elders and former elders here can be encouraging. Realizing that you are in a cult and that most of what you believe is garbage is very hard to sort out.

    Speaking for myself, those of us who were elders were not special or neccesarily more spiritual. We were born male and followed the Orgs prescription for being appointed. Some of us were very sincere and wanted only good things for our brothers and sisters. But special, appointed by holy spirit, privileged? No.

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