Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.

by smiddy 51 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Perry "You appear trapped in an illogical mental prison."

    Perry when it comes to being trapped in an illogical mental prison, you're a lifer.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Perry: Biblical Christianity states that we are all God's enemies. ......There is NO relationship there. .....

    Ha. So who exactly are these ones who are NOT God's enemies and who God DOES have a relationship with Perry? How on earth do they know they have this oh so special relationship with God?

  • Fernando

    Hey smiddy!

    Those that pursue religion diverge.

    Those that pursue the gospel/bissar/injeel converge.

    Although we might find this too simple to believe, it is what it is...

    Why though are we so willing to give decades of our lives to the former, and none to the latter?

  • donny

    The more thought and reason one puts into the God question, the more obvious it becomes that there is no such being. One of the biggest indications for me that this is all hooey is that there is no credible instance of communication with this entity anywhere other than in old, antiquated texts.

    For someone who wants everyone to fear, love and acknowledge his presense multiple times daily, he has done a lousy job of showing himself in a clear and concise way. Instead "he" had a bunch of bronze-aged Middle-Easterners cobble together stories and tales that had been floating around into various scrolls and parchments. Very little, if any, were written by eyewitnesses.

    Then sometimes in the 3rd century AD he had a group of men with various religious points of view come together in several council and decide which of these scrolls were probably written under inspiration from the Most High and which ones were just good stories. Then they took the ones that fit the former designation and declared that to be Gods Word.

    Catholic Bibles have 73 books, 46 in the Old Testament, and 27 in the New Testament. Protestant Bibles have 66 books with only 39 in the Old Testament. The books missing from Protestant Bibles are: Tobit, Judith, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and parts of Esther and Daniel. They are called the 'Deuterocanonicals' by Catholics and 'Apocrypha' by Protestants. Martin Luther, without any authority whatsoever, removed those seven books and placed them in an appendix during the reformation. They remained in the appendix of Protestant Bibles until about 1826, and then they were removed altogether.

    Please be mindful of the fact that those seven books had been in Bibles used by all Christians from the very foundation of Christianity, until God decided many centuries later that these were not really his thoughts.

    And this is the best commuication that this Almighty being can muster?

  • designs

    "we are all enemies of God" can you imagine teaching your kids this awful concept. Well we did, many of us as jw parents, with the Big A doctrine.

    One of the many differences between Judaism and Christianity is the Jewish belief that all humans are children of God, Jesus and Paul were off their rockers with projecting self-loathing on others.

  • Perry

    Ha. So who exactly are these ones who are NOT God's enemies and who God DOES have a relationship with Perry?

    I don't uderstand your thought process here. The answer seems so self-evident that I don't know how to respond. Is supernatural blindness that pervasive that even words commonly used are now void of meaning? God doesn't have a relationship with his enemies and does have one with his friends.

    This is no different than either yours or mine experience in this life. Why people are so obsessed with changing God (as if that were possible) into someone who doesn't judge sin is way beyond my ability to undersatnd. It is totally illogical, not to mention quite imposssible. God want's to deal with sin his way....not our way, which is very subjective. Why get bent out of shape over this? There is no upside. Why many unsaved people choose to fight this battle with God is beyond me. It doesn't make sense.

    Life is sooooo much better once a person makes friends with God through the blood of Jesus. His burden is very light, and his daily blessings and intimacy are sweet as honey.....not to mention that it won't end at death .

    When a person gets saved by the blood contract of Jesus, and "not of works, lest any man should boast" he is given a new spirit. The new spirit is what God deals with and communicates with. "His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God".

    We were prohibited from making friends with God as Jehovah's Witnesses through the blood. We were taught another method of "gaining God's approval" or some such nonsense. After leaving the WT, it seemed a natural thing to do. I highly reccommend it. The things that God will show you after making friends with him will blow your mind, as well as capture and wooo your heart.

  • designs

    The "enemies of God" concept is all based on the erroneous belief in Orignial Sin. The NT really did a number on those who got involved in its religions.

  • Legacy


    George Carlin, loved him. I have been alive long enough to have seen him on The Ed Sullivan Show....Smart Man...tells or told it like it was..I remember he said, he only believes in what he can see....Sun, Moon, Stars.....but a Man in the sky, killing folks...his take on religion is something else...Anyone here ever see Bill Maher's take on religion ? Interesting...


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    when you die you get to see behind the curtain. if the jews are right and this is all there is. Or if the greeks were right and it's all spiritual and you just live in a rotting carcass. i think the WT falls on the side of the jews because they just keep laundering all that real estate. and fucking people up. BWDIK

  • FlyingHighNow

    We don't all draw the conclusion that there is no god, upon deep thought on the subject.

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