Sorry for not replying sooner. The comments are so far between, so I thought this issue wasn't being addressed anymore...I do hear what you are saying. I have been to many places of worship. The same folks everywhere, except in the Org. you just can't pickup and leave, no matter what. Oh you can but there are repercussions...
Regarding child molesters, etc. I'm not condoning it, but what I'm saying is that I don't care but if someone touches my child or brother is a wife abuser & that person doesn't think to call the police...what is that saying about the person, you love the org. more than your love ones. I know why, because some of the parents get help from the freinds so they are beholding to them, I see that. Again, I do know the scare tactics of the org., but I hope this never happens to me but, if it does..first to the police then I will inform the brothers that I informed the police & they should expect to hear from them...Again, don't get me wrong, I do know how the org. operates...don't air dirty laundry, well maybe folks should, if enough of them do it...then maybe, just maybe folks will find out TTATT. Oh yes, every now & again, you hear of a scandal, but the Org. has the best PR dept. I've ever seen...In this time where the media picks up on any & everything, why hasn't the org. been exposed as of yet ? Why are they teflon, what & who are protecting them. If all the sites re: witnesses have a story to tell, what hasn't it hit the media...I have heard that witnesses are not really on the radar that much for folks to care. Everybody in the world is getting exposed, down to folks we didn't know existed. So all the scandal & what have you has been buried. I have heard about so many messed up things personally in the org. & yet, it's like water off a duck...the same answer...WELL YOU KNOW WE ARE NOT PERFECT..well, my answer is...who is ?
Again, I like my congregation, they are just regular folks just trying to get along. I know some of them are a mess, but I stay down wind from them. Flipper, I'm glad to talk to you....keeps me from drinking the kool-aide...I will pray on it & I know God/Jesus will lead me the right way....I am making a personal relationship with faith myself...doesn't matter if I go door to door, I still have to make faith my own, because I will have to stand alone during judgement...&&&& guess what, if this bible story is all true...so will all in the org...will have to make their stand...ON THEIR OWN..