LOL, this will freak you out…

by transhuman68 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    I’ve been cruising the Net in search of the ‘meaning of life’ (LOL- as if!) and came across this amazing piece of writing that I think puts everything in perspective…

    At first, when you really get that nothing matters at all it's very depressing. It's extremely melancholy to realize that nothing has any intrinsic meaning, that life is essentially meaningless.

    It's very disillusioning to get that no matter what one might accomplish, it disappears like smoke in the air; that no matter what service one might attempt to perform, it's like an insignificant grain of sand upon an infinite beach.

    Are you feeding the poor? Are you Shakespeare? Doesn't matter. It's all insignificant in the end. If not today, then tomorrow. If not in a thousand years, then in a million billion. The whirling clusters of galaxies don't even notice.

    Read more…

    It’s just an incredible mind freak to realise that really… nothing does matter, and that purpose and meaning are mental constructs that each of us have to find for ourselves.
    In the Watchtower world, everything mattered… but in reality… nothing does. And that’s pretty cool.

  • Bob_NC

    Find joy along the way, I now say.

    Remember that incident 2 weeks ago that really ticked you off, that made your blood boil? Today you can't even remember it, can you? Did it really matter?

    (Dang. I should go out in field service with my new message.)

  • Phizzy

    Queen said it ages ago, in Bohemian Rhapsody , "Nothing really matters, nothing really matters at all... ".

  • abiather

    Thank you for posting that, transhuman68

    I read it (NOTHING MATTERS, BY jim sloman) completely, very nice musing!

    I liked: “Paradoxically, when we see clearly the emptiness and meaninglessness and insignificance of everything, including our own life, after passing through the "emptiness of emptiness" there comes A LIGHT HEART, which contains both a smile and a tear… If nothing matters, we're free not to take it all so seriously.”

    Yet unwittingly he touches on the purpose of life. He says: “If we jump off a building we're still going to go splat, no matter what we may or may not have realized. If we stub our toe, it's still going to hurt. If we eat a lot of fat, we're still likely to develop heart disease or cancer. The laws of life are not repealed.”

    Actually, we are not asking what is the purpose of life? rather we are being asked that question by life. For example, when we are moderate in our habits such as sleeping, eating, working, entertainments and thinking, our bodies respond pleasantly. If one is not moderate with regard to those habits, his body starts giving trouble—with its organs malfunctioning, or even simply shutting down! All these go to show that one’s physical body is designed to serve a purpose. One can drive it towards comfort or calamity—it all depends on the choices one makes! Hence existence is asking you: What are doing with your life? Are you driving it towards comfor or calamity?

    Again, see what happens when we refuse to think negatively about others, but are determined to see their good and send good wishes to them deep from our hearts, we attract good to us—life becomes smooth! What if when we actually help someone—how does it change our life? This we will know only when we really give—we will really feel happier than receiving. (Acts 20:35)

    If we move from basement and climb higher realms of consciousness, even up to God-consciousness and unity-consciousness, life will become more and more meaningful! You will feel like Jesus who said: ‘though I am in this world, I am not of it,’—something like a super-sensuous joy!

  • Brainfloss

    Infinity= the sum of the parts are equal to the sum of the whole. There are just as many even numbers as odd numbers and any number can be infinitely divided never being completely nill. So to say that since time is infinite, any one moment is meaningless, is not looking objectivly at the whole picture. Any one moment is also infinite therefore just as important as as the entire streem of time relevant more so even since we are here to observe our moments.

    so make the most of them


  • pronomono

    And Solomon said it years before at Eccl 3:19, "everything is vanity", excuse me, "futile". That's why JWs preach. If everything on earth is vanity, "store up your treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume", everlasting treasures that aren't futile.

    This is all well and good assuming that God exists and is taking notice, but JW works aren't always what they think they are, especially when spreading mis-information.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Love that piece you had in the link. I think about that all the time. it especially occured to me as I was letting go of the concept of 'god'.

    It has been profound. I thought life without some 'being' out there permeating a spirit realm would mean a cold existanee. When I let my self go there, though, and looked at life for what it is, that there is no 'special purpose', it was as Sloman describes.... melancholy, relief, liberation, even joy. Without the burden of fufilling some prophecy or Grand Purpose, without 'trying to get there'(whatever 'there' is), it's much easier to just enjoy the here and now. And even though I still want to accomplish things, knowing deep down that it is in vain ironically makes it a better experience.

  • LisaRose

    As a JW I put my life on hold, because armageddon was coming. You were not supposed to enjoy your life, but live for the future. The realization that it was all a lie was freeing. Now I can live in the present, enjoy each day and not worry.

    In the end all we ever have is the present moment, the now. Enjoy the journey.

  • steve2

    "Needy" adults are far, far more common than adults who have developed skills to live in the moment.Children constantly seek reassurance and approval - they are often miserable unless parents and others soothe them. Religion tends to serve the exact same function for adults. It is no coincidence that the most religious people are very highly approval-seeking creatures who would do anything to stay in their "god's" approval.

    Learning to let go of thatchildish need can be extremely hard when people have been raised to view religious approval as essential to a happy and fulfilling life - the irony is, religious beliefs often distort human kindnesses and compel people to behave in ways that are counter to valuing and championing human rights.religious beliefs seem to work bestfor adults in positions of power.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Bob_NC and LisaRose;

    I agree that all liberated ex-JW's and wanna be ex-JW's need to start their life NOW. We have all put our lives on hold, so to speak, for decades. Being a JW was all bad but it certainly limited our exposure to "the real life" which is REAL LIFE. So many that I know put their own personal goals and aspirations 'on hold' because of the WTBTS's mind control which had us in the 'new system' by now.

    Personally, I excelled in sports all the way up through high school and many of my coaches thought that I as least had a chance at a major baseball league careeer. I'll never know since, like all good dubs, I put the (WTBTS) 'kingdom first'. I know sisters that started pioneering and 'put off' marriage and children, 'for the sake of the good news'. They are now in their 60's and inwardly bitter.

    I'm with Bob_NC; "FIND JOY ALONG THE WAY, I NOW SAY" So for me now I live to drink wine with friends, eat fine food, love my family of kids, grandkids, brothers and sisters, and wish well to all people.

    If you are now free from the mental, emotional, and psychological grip of the WTBTS, you should tell your loved ones that you love them UNCONDITIONALLY. It's like a dream come true for the many of us who have pretty much spent our lives being good dubs As a great man once said; " I had a dream..........Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we're free at last!" Just saying


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